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Show W o r k s r e f e r r e d t o . (1) A. C o l l in .- " Gepliyreen gesammelt von Herrn Stabsarzt Dr. Sander," in Arcliiv fUr Naturgescliichte, lviii. p. 197, 1892. (2) F i s c h e r .- " Die Gephyreen des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg," in Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften tfcc., Hamburg, Bd. xiii. p. 1, 1895. (3) K e f e r s t e i n .- " Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Phascolo-soma F. S. Leuck.," in Zeitschrift fiir wiss. Zoologie, Bd. xii. p. 35, 1862. (3 a) K e f e r s t e i n .- " Beitrage zur anatomischen und syste-matischen Kenntniss der Sipunculiden," in Zeitschrift fiir wiss. Zoologie, Bd. xv. p. 404, 1865. (4) R o u l e .- " Sur le Gephyriens des grands fonds de la mer recueillis par le 1 Travailleur et le ‘ Talisman,' /f in Comptes Rendus, cxxvii. p. 197. (5) S e l e n k a .- u Die Sipunculiden," in Semper's 11 Reisen.' Wiesbaden, 1883. ( 6 ) C. P h . S l u it e r .- " Beitrage zu der Kenntnis der Gephyreen aus dem Malayischen Archipel," in Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indie, Deel xlv. p. 472, 1886. (7) S h i p l e y .- " On Phymosoma varians," in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. vol. xxxi., n. s. p. 1, 1890. (8) L a n k e s t e r- " Golfingia macintoshii, <fec." Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 2nd ser., Zool. vol. ii. p. 469, 1885. EXP LAN A T IO N OF THE PLATES. P l a t e V I. Fig. 1. The entire animal, magnified about 6| times. A, the anterior muscular part. B, the middle thinner portion. C, the bag-like posterior piece. AN., the anus. pp. 29, 30. Fig. 2. Semi-diagrammatic figure of a dissection, magnified about 13 diam. I, the introvert. E, the eye-spots. B.T., the nephridia. H, dorsal vessel. D.R., dorsal retractor muscles. V.R., ventral retractors. AN., position of anus. G, coiled part of gut. F, straight part. pp. 30, 31. Fig. 3. Cuticular glands in vertical section. X 290. R.M., radial muscles. C, cuticle. L, secretory cells. T, granular contents, p. 30. Fig. >4. Hooks from introvert. Surface view. X 154. p. 30. P l a t e V I I . Fig. 5. Isolated hooks. X 290. F, furrow, p. 30. Fig. 6. Transverse section 1 mm. behind the anus. X 53. C.G., cuticular glands. R.M., radial musculature. L.M., longitudinal do. M, muscles attached to rectum. G, rectum. B.T., nephridia. T, tentacle cut across. H, hooks. I, introvert. N.C., ventral nerve-cord and muscles, p. 31. Fig. 7. Histology of the retractor muscles (Powell & Lealand ts-imm., eyepiece A ). A. Transverse section of dorsal retractor, showing amount of interstitial connective between the bundles. B. Ditto of ventral retractor, showing almost no intermuscular connective. p. 32. Fig. 8. Transverse section of tentacle. X 290. B.S., blood-sinus. N, nerve. A, ciliated mesial cells. B, columnar outer cells, p. 32. Fig. 9. A . Epithelium of mid-gut. X 290. B. Epithelium of hind-gut. X 290. p. 33. Fig. 10. Ti-ansverse section of oesophagus. X 290. Part only of the stout muscular wall is shown. M, muscular wall. E, the epithelium thrown into papillae. 40 ON THE ANATOMY OF A NEW GEPHYREAN WORM. [Jan. 20, |