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Show Key to the Genera of Cuculidae. a. Sternal plate with spina communis. a'. Posterior border with two pairs of notches. a". Hj-pocleideum styliform, free end only overlapped by carina sterni. Bhamphococcyx. b". Hypocleideum styliform, overlapped by carina sterni. | ^ j‘^ ococcJ/^ ■ c " . Hypocleideum oval, overlapped by carina sterni ........| p i 'a y a ^ 6S' b'. Posterior border with single pair of notches ...................... Coccystes. b. Sternal plate with spina externa onljr. c'. Posterior border of sternal plate with two pairs of notches. d ". Hypocleideum underlapped b}r carina sterni ................. Zanclostomus. e ". Hypocleideum with free end only underlapped by carina. Geococcyx, d'. Posterior border of sternum with a single pair of notches. f " . Hypocleideum obsolete; procoracoid small, affording articulation for scapula. a . Furcula large and strongly arched............................... Scythrops. b"'. Furcula slender and slightly arched. a4. Posterior lateral process broad ................................... Eudynamys. bA. Posterior lateral process narrow' ............................... Guira. g " . Hypocleideum obsolete; procoracoid large, not affording articulation for scapula........................................................................................... Centropus. c. Sternal plate with spina interna only ........................................ Taccocoua. d. Sternal plate without spines ............. ................ ....................... { BrmmZcci/x. e. Sternal plate with spina externa and interna distinct. h". Posterior border of sternum with a single pair of notches. Cuculus. i " . Posterior border of sternum with two pairs of notches. Chrysococcyx. D . P e l v ic G ir d l e . A. Preacetabular ilium with strongly arched border meeting in the median line above the synsacral spines to form a large canalis ilio-lumbalis... Musophagi. B. Preacetabular ilia with dorsal border never meeting in median line above synsacral spine................................................................................................ Cuculi. Key to the Genera of Cuculidae. a. Pre.synsacral neural arches broad and without neural spines ; ilia widety separated. ( c ■ a'. With large intertransverse sacral foramina..........................< aco,,ian IS‘ b'. No intertransverse sacral foramina. ^ luu us' a". Length not exceeding 1 inch ............................................. Chrysococcyx. b ". Length not less than 2% inches ........................................ Scythrops. b. Presynsacral neural arches bearing a high median ridge; no intertransverse sacral foramina. c'. Pectineal process vestigial. c " . Antero-dorsal angles of pre-ilium not meeting in mid-dorsal line; pubis very long...................................................................................... Eudynamys. d". Antero-dorsal angles of pre-ilium meeting in middle r ^ . 7 line; pubis short ......... ............................. ...................{ Crotophaga. d'. Pectineal process large. Ul)a-e ". Iscliio-pubic fissure slit-sliaped and very narrow. a '" . Antero-dorsal angles of pre-ilium produced into ( n , narrow bars meeting in middle line ..........................■< -Jn 1 °PUS- (. Dromococcyx. b'". Antero-dorsal angle of pre-ilia produced inwards to form a quadrate plate embracing neural spines; postacetabular ilia produced into an enormous saddle-shaped plate........................................ Geococcyx. f " . Ischio-pubic fissure extremely reduced. c '" . Antero-dorsal angle of pre-ilia produced into a quadrate plate with concave superior border just reaching neural spine ... Taccocoua. d'". Antero-dorsal angle of ilia produced into rounded ( . angles, not reaching the neural spines ..................... | Bhopodytes * e '". Ischio-pubic fissure very wide, closed posteriori}'... Bliamphococcyx. 2 9 0 m r . w . p . p y c r a f t o n t h e [M a r . 1 7 , |