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Show 1903.] MR. F. PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE ON NEW SPIDERS. 155 Genus D ossenus Simon. Hist. Nat. Ar. 2, ii. p. 314. Type, D. marginatus E. Simon. Lower Amazons. D ossenus marginatus E. Simon. (Plate X IV . figs. 3-5.) Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xlii. 1898, p. 19. Type $ , and androtype <$ in coll. E. Simon. Total length, 5 , 7*7 mm. Two adult females of a Spider, which I feel pretty certain must be referred to this species, were taken by myself at Breves and Para, and are now in the British Museum Collection. The spines on the legs are very long in comparison with those of allied genera. Hah. I sl . T r inidad ; B razil : Amazons ; Matto Grosso (Germain); Lower Amazons, Para, Breves (Parana Buyassu, F. P.-C., 1895-96). P aradossenus, gen. nov. Type, P. nigricans, sp. n. Lower Amazons. Lower margin of fang-groove with 4 teeth, the 3rd being-smaller. Tarsi short, straight, not flexible. Protarsi i. with 3 paired spines beneath; protarsi of all four pairs with a single central apical spine beneath. Tibia i. with four paired spines beneath, the last pair apical. Sternum produced into a conical point between coxae iv. Spines on legs short, two to three times the diameter of the segment. Posterior row of eyes recurved; eyes subequal, centrals one diameter apart, two and a half from the laterals, which are set on a low tubercle. Anterior row straight or very slightly procurved, slightly wider than the central posterior row. Clypeus one and a half times the height of the diameter of an anterior central eye. Legs 1, 2, 4, 3-iii. very short, extending as far as two-thirds of tibia iv. P aradossenus nigricans, sp. nov. (Plate X IV . figs. 6-9.) Type J , 8 mm.; gynetype $ , 8*5 mm.-carap. 375 mm. In coll. Brit. Mus. cJ 5 .- Colour. Carapace dull yellow-brown, with two longitudinal dark brown bars on each side of the pale central line, the whole being almost entirely clothed with yellow-grey scale-like hairs. Margins of carapace reticulated with fine dusky lines. The anterior portion of the brown bars presents within their margin a narrow elongate accent-like pale mark. Abdomen pale yellow; dorsal area with a broad longitudinal dark brown (sometimes paler) foliated band, becoming narrowed towards the spinners, from the centre of whose lateral margin, on both sides, issues an oblique interrupted lateral bar. The centre of the foliated band is occupied by a pale lanceolate band, much attenuated towards the spinners, its basal portion again occupied by a broad lanceolate dark band, scarcely reaching the centre of the |