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Show P . claparedi and P. aciculigerus (see fig. 6, of P. elioti). The neuropodia also are small. List of the Literature. (1 ) Claparede.-Annelides du Golfe de Naples, 1868. (2) L angerhans.- " Ueber einige Canarischen Anneliden." Nov. Act. der Leop.-Carol. Deutschen Akad. Bd. xliii., 1881. (3) M c In to sh .- ‘ Challenger' Reports, vol. xii., 188 5, p. 374. (4) R oule.- " Campagne du Caudan." Ann. d. l'Universite de Lyon, 1896. (5) Lo B ianco.-Ann. Tub. nel Golfo di Napoli, 1893. (6 ) C rossland.-J. Stanley Gardiner's 1 Fauna and Geography of the Maldive Archipelago.' In the press. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. P l a t e XVI. Fig. 1. Normal condition of the head of Phyllochcetopterus elioti (p. 172), as seen from dorsal side. X 10. 2. Side view of a specimen whose prostomium and eye-spots are visible. X 10. 3. Side view of three segments of the region B. X 10. 4. Ventral view of the same. 5. P. pictus (p. 174). Dorsal view of anterior part of body. X 10. 6. Side view of three segments of the region B. X 10. 7. A notopodium of the region C in either species. X 100. 8. Setae of P. elioti (p. 172). («) Thickened seta of fourth parapodium. X 83. (ft) Normal seta from third foot. X 90. (c) An uncinus. X 1000. 9. Setae of P. pictus (p. 172). (a) Thickened seta from the fourth foot. X 100. (ft) Head of a normal seta from the same bunch. X 200. (c) From last foot of region A. The shaft is bent and part of the head finely toothed. X 100. {d) One of the uncini. X 1000. P l a t e XVII. Fig. 10. Section of Phyllochcetopterus elioti (p. 172) through the brain, bases of short tentacles, &c. 11. Section a little anterior to fig. 10, through mouth, first feet, &c. 12. Section at level of fifth foot. 13. Section near beginning of region B. All sections X 42. ON TIIE MARINE FAUNA OF ZANZIBAR. [Feb. 17, The meaning of the lettering on the figures of the Plates is as follows :- 6 .v.= blood-vessel. circ.m.= circular muscle. cce. = coelum. d.bv. = dorsal blood-vessel. d.cil.-dorsal ciliated groove. d.cce.=dorsal division of coelom. d.neur.= dorsal division of the neuropodia. e.=eye. </.=gut. gill, = gill - flap between noto- and neuropodia. <7Z.=glandular areas or epithelia &c. lm.=longitudinal muscle-layer. m .=muscle. mo.= mouth. m.of ppd. = muscles of parapodium. n .= nerve. «.c.=nerve-cells. n.cd. = nerve-cord. n.f.= nerve-fibres. nepli.= nephridium. neur.=neuropodium or ventral division of the foot. noto. = notopodium or dorsal division of the foot. peri. = peristomium. ppd.-parapodium or foot. p r o .= prostomium. s.= seta. & t2= first and second pairs of tentacles. v.fty.=ventral blood-vessel. v.neur. = ventral division of the neuro-podia. |