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Show The Orchard. | Qa 204 rn ea makeMackerons) or cruftedoucr with Sugar, to make Comfits 5 Orimixed with Rofewaterand Sugar; to make Buttery or with Barley water;to make Milke,and many other waies,as eueryonelift,that hath skillin fach things, The oyle alfoof Almondsis vfed many waics, both inwardly and out. wardly, for many’ purpofes; as the oyle of {weete Almonds tixtwith poudered white Sugar Candy,for coughes and hoarftneffe,and to be drunk alone,or with fome otherthing (as the Syrupe of Marth Mallowes) forthe ftonc, to. openandlenifiethe paflages, and make them flipperie, thatthe ftone may paffethe eafier. And alfo for women in Child bedaftertheir fore trauell, And outwardly either by itfelfe, orwithoyle of Tartartomakea creame,to lenifietheskin, iparched with the winde or otherwife, orto annointthe ftomacke either alone, or with otherthingsto helpeacold. The oyle of bitter Almonds is much vfedto be dropped into their cares thatjare hacdiof hearing,to helpeto openthem. Andasitis thought, doth -faore fcoure and cleanfe the skin then the {weet oyledoth, and is therefore more vfed ofmany for that purpole, as the Almonds themfeluesare, SyUji CHK Crar. XVITE K th, Yr, A ((// ( CAD yy be preferued any longtime. Iftherefore any be defirous to keepethistree, he muft fo prouideforit, thatit be preferued fromany cold, either inthe winter or {pring, and « G “ LL LzLeyy) AQ fary looking and tending efit, when as neither of the other would by any meanes | aN zzeS oning the Citron or Lemmontrees,in regard of the experience wehaue feen made ofthemindiuers places : Forthe Orengetrec hath abiden with fomeextraordi- Lee I Bring here to your confideration,as you {ee,the Orengetree alone,without menti- Ws AK SSL WW <~ Alale Arantia, Orenges. expofed to the comfortof the func in fummer. Andfor that purpofe fomekeepe them in great fquare boxes,andlift them to andfro by iron hooks onthe fides,or caufe them tobe rowled by trundels,or{mall wheeles vnder them,to place them inaa houfe, or clofe gallerie for the winter time : others plant'them againft a bricke wall inthe ground, and defend them byafhed of beardes, couered ouer with feare-cloth inthe Winter, and by thewarmth of a ftoue,or other fuchthing, giuethem fomecomfortin the colder times :. but no tent or meane prouifion will preferuethem. 4 The Orenge tree inthe warme Countries groweth very high, but withvs(orelfeit isa dwarfe kindethereof) rifeth notvery high : ‘the barke ofthe elderftemmesbeing h i , mi) Uae f ofa darke colour, andthe young branches very greene, whercon grow hereand there fome few thornes: the leaues arefaire, large, and very greene, in forme almoftlikea Bay leafe, but thatit hatha {mall care, or peece ofaleafe, fafhioned likevato an heart vndercuery onc of them, with many {mall holesto be {ene in them,ifyou holdthen vpbetweene you andthe light, ofa {weet but ftrong {mellnaturally not falling away but alwaies 2biding on, orvntill new be come vp, bearing greeneleaues continually : the flowers are whitifh,ofa very ftrong and headyfent; after which comefmall roua fruit,greeneat thefirft, while they are {mall, and not neere maturitie, but being grow? and ripe, are (asallmenknow) red ontheout fide; fomemore pale then others, 20 fomekindcs ofa deeper yellowith red,according tothe climate, and asit receiucththe heate ofthe fynne, wherein is contained foweror {weete ivice, and thicke whitcket- nels amongit : it beareth in the warme Countries both bloffemes and greene fruit continually vponit, and ripe fruitalfo with them for the beft partof the youre, bute {pecially in Autumneand Winter. 5 The Vieof Orenges. Orenges are vfedas fawce for many fortsof meates, incefypect of theit fwecrefowerneffe, giuing a rellith of delight, whercinfoeuer they are vied. Theinnerpulpeor iuice doth ferue in aguesand hotdifeafes,aad in Sum mer to coole the heate of deiected ftomackes, or fainting {pirits. ’ : am To hati 6 2 4 Halam wt perilaes T Malun (. dbohariars, The Vomewater, 1X Malus Avantia, The Orengetrecs 2. Maine. TheAppletree: 4 The Genneting. 8 alum Regs prime marurons, Malume (ruesum. The Queeae Apple. 7 The Bardiield Quining, $3. Melapium. The Pearemaint. 6 Mature Recinenus. Codiun. [pursnm 10 Afaluom Reginenm all. 9 Malus Keusiadferucfeandum, TheKeatith |