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Show THE THIRD PART CALLED THE ORCHARD, ~ayi Ontaitiing all forts oftrees bearing fruit for mans vfeto eate, pro- cy per.and fic forto plant an Orchardin,our climate and countrie : I , | boundit with this limitation, becaufe both Dates, Oliues, and ootherfruits, are planted in the Orchardsof Spaine, Italy , and oAS! % ther het countries, which will nor, abide in 6urs,’ Yet ‘herein Twill Baa declare whatfoeuerArt, fttining with Nature;‘catrcaule to profper ; = with vs,that whofoener will, may {te what can bee effeted inour afcend ro countric, Aid firftto begin withthe lower fhrubbes or buthes ; and ‘after ‘ the highertrees. Rubus tdews, Ralpis. differing inthe form¢cis T= Rafpis betrie is oftwo forts, whiteandred, not fruit, Lhe ther'of buth,leafe, or berry, but onely inthe colour anditafte ofthe ike haires prickesl {imall reddifh with s, femme whitith tender Rafpis bufh hath young ; burwhen they grow; fet rourid about them, efpecially at the firft whenthey are fhewofthornes iorprickles any without firme, and y woodd more become old they the leaues,are fomehthem:: coueret that te hairinef little a ely vponthem; and hathon alke , fomewhat vponatt fiue or three g ftandin what roughof rugged, and wrinkled, fowers are{mall, the : colour like vnto Rofes, but’ greater;:and ofa grayer greene of blufh caft ouerthem, many were aspit dath a with aues, madeof fine whitith roundle tthetopsof thebranches;atftanding together, yet chery. one vpon his owneftalkeya bigger. then Strawberries, and longer; ¢iter which come vp fmal! berries, fomewhat eminentthen in the Strawberry, ..wath more ; graincs many therred of white, madeof yet fomewhat fowre, and nox t tafte, 2 kinde ofdounineffe caft ouer them, of a pleafan fpis)is atitrle more pleafant then whiteRa The rie., Strawbet tasthe pleafan fo thing rootes creepe vaderground veri¢ sthe d inclofe feede finall thered, wherein thereis' , fing thereby; encrea much places, many farre,and (lioote vp againein es, :,;the ,prickl withour wholly are There is another whofe ftemme and|branches fharpe. more alittle and longer, at fomewh fruit is red; and The Vieof Rafpis. want of Bramble leaues.in gargles, The leaues of Rafpis may be vie d for drying , although not fully to and ng cooli Lott deco@ions that are The Aaa3 |