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Show y “Lhe Kitchen Garden. Tbe Kitchen Garden, The Vfe of Baulme. Baulmeis often vfed among other hotand {weete herbes, to make baths e Frzs - and wathings for mens bodiesor legges, in the Summer time, to warmeand comfortthe veines and finewes,to very goed purpofe and effet, and hath in formeragesbeene of much more vfe then nowadaies. Itis alfovied by YY fe Ef. 4 beleeuc. Itis alfo good to heale greene wounds, being made intofalues: and I verily thinke, that our forefathers hearing of the healing and comfortable properties of the true naturall Baulme, and finding this herbetobe fo effeétuall, gaueit the namie of Baulme, in imitation of his properties and vertues. Itis alfo an herbe wherein Bees doe muchdelight, as hath beene found by experience of thofethat haue kept great ftore; if the Hiues bee rubbed onthe infide with femethereof, and as they thinke it drawethothers by the fmellthereof torefortthither. Plinie faith, it isa prefentremacdy againft: the ftinging of Bees. if doe them more goodthat takeit: Forthe herbe withourall queftion isan excellent helpeto comfortthe heart, as the very fmell may induce anyforo SSISEEE p KEKMLOTY ficad of -dque vite, when they haue any occafion for their owne ortheir neighbours Families, in fuddaine qualmesor paffions of the heart butif they had little better direction (for this is fomeWwhat too rude) it would 7 diuers to be filled, being fteeped in Ale, to make a Baulme water,after the manner they haue beenetaught, whichthey keepe by them, tovfeinthe Crap. X. Adentha, Mintes. Here are diuers forts ofMints, both ofthe garden, andwilde, of the woods, mountaines,and ftanding pooles or waters: bat! will onelyin this placebring to your remembrance twoor three forts ofthe moft vfuall that are kept in gat dens,for the vfes whereunto they are proper. Red Mint or browne Mint hath fquare brownifh ftalkes, with fomewhatlong and round pointed leaues, nicked about the edges, ofa darke greene colour,fet by couples ateuery ioynr, and ofareafonable good fent: the flowers of this kindearereddihh, ftanding abouttheteppes of the ftalkes at diftances : the rootes runne creeping inthe ground, andas thereft, will hardly be cleared out of a garden, being oncethereia, it that the fmalleft peece thereof will growe and encreafeapace. j Speare Mint hath afquare greene ftalke, with longer and greenerleaues thenthe former, fet by couples, of a betterand more comfortable fentEnd therefore of much more vfethen any other: the fowers hereof growein long cares or {pikes , ofa pale redorbluth colour : the rootes creepe in the ground like the other. Party coloured or white Mint hath {quaregreene ftalkes and leaucs E f{omewhatlatget then Speare Mint, and morenicked in the edges, whereof manyare parted, halte white and halfe greene, and fome more white then greene, or more green then white, as naturelifteth : the flowers ftand in long heads clofe fet together ofa blufhcolout? the rootes creepe as the reft doe. ; The Vife of Mintes. Sy Mintes are oftentimes vfedin baths, with Baulme and other herbes, #8 helpeto comfort and ftrengthen the nerues and finewcs. Itis much vfed either outwardly applyed, or inwardly drunke,to ftrengthen and comfort weake ftomackes, that are much giuento cafting : 45 allo for feminine fluxes. Itisboyledin milke for thofe whofe ftomackes 2 apt 2 Herminuryfatiunm, Garden Clary» 2 Nepeta, Nep. 3 Melifft. Baulme. 4 Mentha fasiva, Garden Mintess 3 Bélfexsita mau, er Coftns borternes, Coftmary. 6 Aegon Masset: |