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Show The Gariten ofpleafant Flowers. Lhe Gardenofpleafant Fidwers. 4. dens, Thefecond,as Clufiusfaith,inAuftria, from whence alfo (as I take it) the greater came, and are both inthe gardens of thofe, that are curious obferuersof thefe delights. Cuar. CXXXIIL. Gramina. Grafles, The Time. Te areamong an infinite number (as I migy fo fay) of -Graffes ; a few ondly which I thinke fit to beplantéd inthis Gardén, both for the rarity of them, and alfo for your delight, and the excellent beauty thatis.in them aboue ma ny other plants. One-of them hathlong ageebin refpeGed, and cherifhed in thecoun. try gardens. ofmany Gentlewomen,and others.The others areknowac but Vato 2 fey, The firft isin its pride for the leaues all the Spring and Summer > yeelding his bufhinIune. The other giue their feather-like {prigs in Iuly and Auguft, and quickly (as I {aid) are fhed, if they be not carefully gathered. TheNames. Thefirft is called by Lobel Gramenfuleatum, orfiriatum album, ofothers 1. Gramicnfrriatum., Painted Graile or Ladieslaces: This kinde'ofGraffé hath manyftiffe, hard, roundftalkes, full ofioynes', whereop are {et at eucry ioynt one long leafe, fomewhat broad at the bortéme , where it comp affeth the ftalke, and fimalfer to the end, whereitis fharpe pointed hard orronghig ndling, and ftriped all the length of the leafe with white ftteakes or lines, that Ge {etme party colouredlaces of white and gtéenc : thetops of the ftalkes arc filtnith 4 withlong {pikic cufts,like vnto thetufts of Couch Grafle : the roores are {mail, white, and threddy, like theraotes of othér-Grafles, E 2. Gramen Plamarinm minus, The leflet Feather-Grafte Gramsenpicium, ‘The French callit -déguellettes a’ armes, of the fathion that their Enfignes, Pennons, or Streamers vfed in wars were of, that is, like vnto a party coloured curtaine. In Englifhvfually Ladies laces, and Pain- ted Graffe. The firft of the other twois called Gramen plumarium or plumo- fam, and minus isadded for the diftin@ion of it. Clufius calleth it Spartam Anfiriacum, of the likeneffe and place where he foundit, Thelaftis called Gramen plamarinm, or plumefwm mains, The greater Feather-Graffe. The Vertues. . This leffer Feather-Graffe hath many finall, round, and very long leanesor blades, growing in tufts, much finer and finallerthen any other Graffe thar | know, being al moftlikevnto.haites, and.ofa freth greene colour in Summer, but changinginto gray, -likeold hay “iff Winter, being indecde all dead , and-neuer reuiuing ; yerhardly to be plucked away vatillthe Spring,andthemother greene leaues or ruthes rife yp by.them, and intheir ftead, and are aboueafoore in length; from the middle of the(etufts come forth rounder and bigger rufhés, which arethe ftalkes,and which haue a chaficround eareaboutthe middle thereof, which whenitis full growne,is fomewhathigherthen the toppesofthe feaues or tufhes, openingit felfe (being before clofe)at thetop, thewing forththree otfoure long ayles‘or beards, one aboue another 5 which and bend themfclues.a little downewards(ifthey ftand ouer long beforcthey are gathered,and will fall offsand be blowneaway with, the winde) being fo finely on both »», fides,all1 the 1length ofthe[ beard, ahd of a pale or grayith colour, thatfeathered no feather inthe taile ofthe Bird of Paradife can befiner, or tobe compared with them,hauing a at the end of eucry one ofthem, within the care, a {mall, long, whitifh, round, hard, \ ad very fharpe pointed graine,like vnto an oaten gtaine,cthat part ofthe ftalkeofthe feather thatis next vadér it;and abouethefeede for fometwo or three inches, being ftiffe and hard, and twining or curling it felfe,ifit be fufferedto ftand too long, ort \fallaway , otherwife being ftraightas the featherit{elfe :the roote is compofed ‘ ot \snany long, hard, {mall threddy ftrings, whichrunne de¢peandfar,and willnotwik “lingly be remoued, in that ir gaineth ftrength euery yeare by ftanding. 3. Gramen Plumarium maiw, The great bX er Feather- Grafle, The greater Feather-Graffe is like ynto the leffer; but thatboth the leawes and the feathers are greater, and nothing fofine, groffer alfo, and ofleffe beauty and refpedy though whiter thenit ; and therefore isnot fo much regarded : for I hauc knowne,thit many Gentlewomen haue vied the former leffer kinde, being tyedin tufts, ro fet them in ftead of feathers about their beds,where they hauelyen atter childe-bearing, and@ other timesialfo,when as they haue been much admired of the Ladies and Gentles tht hauc comcto vifitthem, : The Place. PR TBE SS ES * The firft ofthefe Gr affes;as Lobel faith,groweth naturally in the woods and hils ofSauoy, It hath Jong agoehcene receiued into our En glithgat- dens. Thefe kindes of Graffes arenot in any time or place that I docheare of applyed toany Phyficallvfe ; and thereforeof them I will fay no more: but hereI will end the primepart ofthis worke. |