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Show The Gardenofpleafant Flowers. The Hungarian Rofe hath greene fhootes flenderly fet with prickes, and feldome growcth higherthen ordinarily the red Rofe doth; the ftemmeorftocke being much aboutthat bignefle : the lowerorrofe isas great, thickeand double, as the ordinar red Rofe, and of thefamefafhion, of a paler redcolour, and becing neerely looked vponisfinely {potted with faint {pots,asit were {preade ouer the red ; the {mell wher. of is fomewhat bettérthen the {mell ofthe ordinary red Rofe of thebeftkinde, |” 13. Roft Holofericafimplex & multiples, The Veluet Rofe fingleand double, wf The old ftemme‘orftock ofthe veluet Rofe is couered with a dark coloured bark¢, and the young fhootes of a fad greene with very few or nothornesar all vponthem} the leaues ate of afaddergreené Colour then in moft forts of Rofes, and veryoften feuen ona ftalke, many of the refthauing but fine: the Rofeis eytherfingle or doubles the fingle is 2 broade {prea lower, confifting of fiue orfixe broade leanes with many yellow threds in the middle : the double hath tworowesvfleaucs, the onelarge, whichare outermoft, the: other {maller within, of avery deepered crimfon colour like vato Crimfon veluet, with many yellow thredsalfo in themiddle, and yetforall the double rowe'of leaues, thefe Rofes ftand butlike fingle flowers: but there is another double kinde that is more doublethenthis laft, confifting oftentimesof fixteene leaues or more in a fow#f, and moft of them of an equallbigneffe, of thecolourof the firft fingle rofe of thiskinde, or fomewhatfiefher ; butall ofthem ofa {mallet fent then the ordinary red Rofe. The Rofe withoutthornes hath diuers greene fmooth fhootes, rifing fromthe root, withoutany pricke orthorne atall vponthem,eyther young er old: the Jeaues arent fully fo large as of the redrofe: the flowers or rofes are not much bigger then thole of the double Cinamon Rofe,thicke fet together and fhort,ofa pale red Rofecolour, withdiuers pale coloured veines through eueryleafe ofthe flower, whichhath caufed fometocallit Themarbled Rofe, andis of afmall fent, not fully equall tothered Rofe. Thefingle ofthis kinde differeth notin any other thing from the former, then in the doubleneffe orfingleneffe of the flowers, which in this are nothalfe fo double, noryctfally fingle,and are of a paler red colour. Thaue heard likewife ofa white Rofe ofthis kinde,but I haue feene none fuchasyets and therefore I can fay no morethereof. fmaller, rounderpointed’, of a paler greene colour, yet finely {niptabout the edges, andmore in number,thatis, {euen or nine onaftalke orribbe, then in any other Gardenkinde, except the double of the fame kindethat followeth next : the flower is a {mall fingle Rofe, confifting of fine leaues , not fo large as the fingle Spanifh Muske Rofe, but fomewhat bigger thenthe Eglantineor {weete Briar Rofe,ofa fine pale yel- low colour, without any great fentat all while itis frefh, bucalittle more, yet {mall and weake when it isdryed. 17.Rofa lateamultiplex fine, flore plene, Tlie double yellow Role. The double yellow Rofe is ofgreat account, both forthe rarity,and donbleneffe of the ower, and had it fent to the reft, wouldof all other be ofhigheft efteeme. The femme orftocke, the young fhootsor branches, the {mall hairy,prickes, and thef{mall winged leaues, are in all parts like vntothe former fingle kinde ; the chicfeft difference confifteth in. the doubleneffe of the ower or Rofe, .which is fothickeand double, thatvery often it breaketh out on one fide or another, and buta fewof them abiding Whole and faire in our Countrey.,, the cafe whereof wee: doe imagine to bee the being {ubiectto much tineand fhowers ; many therefore doeeither plant itagainft awall, or ether wayes fend ic by couering : againe, it is fo plentifulin young fhootes or branches, as alfo inflowers,at the toppe of euery branch, whichare {mall and weake for the moft part, that they are not ableto bring all the‘flowersto ripeneffe ; and therefore moft of them hllor wither away without comming to perfection (the remedythat manydoe vie frthis inconueniencelaft recited is,that they nippe away moft of the buds, leaning bit fome few vpon it,that fothe vigour of the plant may be collectedintoa few flowts, whereby they may the better cometo perfection, and yet cucn thusit is hardly thted) whichare of aycllowifh greene colourin the bud, and beforethey be blowne open, butthen are offaire yellow colour, very full of leaues, with many fhorthaires ther then leaves inthe middle, and hauing fhort, round, greeac, fmoothbuttons, almoft flat ynder them : the fower being faire blowne open, dothfcarce gineplace for lugeneffe, thickneffe, and doubleneffe, vntothe great Prouence or Holland Rofe. This Rofe buth or plant is very tender with vs here about London , and will requite fome more careand keeping then the fingle ofthis kinde, whichis hardy enough; for Thaue 1d many my felfe, and I know but a few about this towne that can nourfe itvp 15. Refa Cisamomeafiesplex multiplex, The CinamonRofefingleand double. kindly, to. beare or {carceto abide withoutperifhing ; but abideth well in cuery free tite ofall orthe moft parts of this Kingdome: bitt(as [ heare)not fo wellinthe North. The fingle Cinamon Rofehathhis fhootes formewhat red, yet not fo red as the dou ble kinde, armed with great thornes, like almoft vnto the Eglantine buth, thereby thowing, as well by the multiplicitie of his thootes,as the quickneffe and heightof his thooting, his wilde nature : Onthe ftemmeand branches ftand wingedl fome times {euen or more together,which are {mall and gtcene, yer like vnroeaues, other Roles The Rofes are fingle, of fue leaues a peece,fomewhar large and of a pale red colout, like vntothe double kinde, whicltis in fhoates redder,and in all other things like vOtothe fingle, but bearing fmall, .fhort, thicke and double Rofes, fomewhatlike vate the Rofe without thornes, buta little leffer, of a palérred Sxlodédeche endof the leaues, and fomewhat redder and brighter toward ‘the middle of thc mm, with many ycllowthort thrumes ; ‘the {mall ferit of Cittamion that is found inthe fowers hath cauled ito bearethe name, Thisfingle yellow Rofe is planted rather for variety then any other good vfe. It often groweth toa goodheight, his femme being. great and wooddy, with fewor no prickes vponthe old wood, but withanumher of {npall prickes like haires, thicke (et, vpon the youngerbranches, ofa darkecolour fomewhatreddith, the barke of the young fhootes being of a fad greene reddifh colour : the leaues of this Rofe bufhare much moifture of our Countrey ,.and the time ef flowring 14. Rofa fine[pinis fimplex @ multiplex. The Refe without thornes fingle and double. Aare aloo. a / 4)7-7 16. Rofalutea fimplex. T he fingle yellow Rofe. 12) Refs Hesgarics. The Hungarian Rofe. Rofafixe(pina ioscan Lhe Garden of peasant Flowers. : 16. kus 18, Rofa Mofchata simplex cr multiplex, The Muske Rofefingle and double. TheMuske Rofe both fingle and double,rife vp oftentimes toa verygreat height, that it ouergroweth any arbourin a Garden, or being fet by an houfe fide, to bee ten otwelue foote high, or more, butmore efpecially the fingle kiade, with many green ‘atte fpread branches, armed with a few fharpe great thernes 5 as the wilder forts 0 Rofes are, whereof thefe are accountedto be kindes, hauing {mall darke ee at OAthem, not much bigger then theleaties of Eglantine : the flowers come for’ toppes ofthe branches, manytogether as it were ifan ymbellor.tuft, which aE another, cuery one ftanding moft part doe fower all at a time, ornotlongione after Na pretty long ftalke, and are ofa pale whitifh er.creame celour, boththe fingle ne |