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Show The Garden of pleafant Flowers, T he Garden of pleajant Flowers. itteenemeintch stAnt TheNames. The firft is called Laurus filwestris, and Lauru s Neriam,and Rbodedewdrescs in Englifh The Rofe Bay, and Olean der, The : in Englith Wilde Bay,or Sweete flowring Bay,:The fecond is calleTinus d Laurus Rofea, Oleand er, laft was fent by the name of: Trebezon Carmafi, that isto fay, Dactylys 7 rapes suati na, but not-hauing anyaffinitie with any kinde of Date,Bellonius a5] thinke firftnamed it Lawrecera/is,and Cerafas Tirapezuntina, Dalechampius thinkethicto bee Lesus-Aphricana, but Clufiusrefurethit. Thofe ftones or kernels that were fent:me outof Italie, cameby the name of Lawrus Regis, The Kings Bay.|< Wee'may'moft properly ‘call it according to the Latine nameiathetitle, “Fhe Cherry bay, or Bay'Cherry, becaufe his leaues are like vnto Bay-leaues, and both flowersand fruit like vnto the Birdes Cher. ry or Clufter Cherry, for the manner of the growing ; and therfore] might morefitly I confeffe haueplaced .it'inemy Orchard among theforts of Cherries : but the beautifulneffe of the plant caufed mee rathertoinfertit as = heréooc The Vertes, STIG *Fhewilde Bay hath nopropertie allotted vatoit in Phyficke, ‘forthatit isnorto.beenduted,the berries being chewed declareit to be fo violent hot andchoking. ‘TheRofe Bay'is faid by Diofcorides, to be death toall foure footed beatts, buticontrariwife to manitisa remedie againft the poifon of Serpents, but efpecially if-Rue bee added vntoit, The Cherry Bay isnot knowne with vs¢to whatphyficke vfe it may be applyed. eae, : ts oki see Cuar.CIIll.. Sait *Cérgfia flote maltiplic. The Rate or doubleblottomd Cherry. Malasflore maltiplicé.. The double, bloffomd Apple tree. And » Halds Perficaflore mattiplici, The double bloffomd Peachtree. “He beautifull thew of thefe threeforts offlowefs, hath made me to infertthem i [ santo this garden, inehat for their worthineffe P-am vawilling to bee without My‘then, -aléhoughthéeretvof theirkindes I haustrthsferréd into the Orchard, thefehere downe, feldome or neuer beareanyfruite, and therefore more fitfor a Garden offerflowers, where amongotherfruit trees, they fhall be remembted forall then an Orchard of fruite, is 1G ssi" 3 Cerafas flore plénb'vel muttzlich. The Rofe Cherry, or double bloffdmd Cherty. The double bloffomed Chetry tree is of two forts for the flower, -but notdiffering inany otherpart, from the ordinary Englifhor Flanders‘ Cherry tree; growing in the very'like manner : the difference confifteth in this, that the one ‘of thefe two forts hath white flowers leffe double; that is, oftwo'rowes or nore ofleaties, and the othet more double, or with morerowes of leauesy:and befides I haue obfetued inthis gre® ter double bloffomd Cherry, that fomeyeares moft ofthe flowers haute had another {mallerand double flower, rifing vp outofhemiddle of the other, like as is to bee feene inthe double Englifh Crow-foote, and double redde Ranunculus or Crowfoot; beforédefcribed :.this I fay doth net happenenery yeare, but fometimes. Sometime alfo thefe trees will gine a few bersies}>herd-and there {cattered, and that withlelle double flowers more often, whieh arc like vito. our Englith Cherries both for tafteand bignefle. Thefe hexeny. fiero beet by Arbours. : ‘ b wi 4 3, eo @ flore pleno. eac tree, The double bloflomd Peach "kins WVpright Honifuckle, g Perscly The double b14: blaffomd fom Appletree. ihe ddouble Pr fe tree. 3, j Malus Doubl H anifuckle. 3 Periclymenum ttum, Double |