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Show TbeGarden of pleajant Flowers. ————— z‘beCarden of pleafank Flower?) Cc n re ) { yrts, tl le roots other rac more browne a i rou id. 5 but not fo flat asin I bein b OWL th and h 4 b aye kep tin Garden $s ‘ are that d ether all as Cc, ic 2 oust L . e ward > > an gt Ow ing tuber onte rdeluce. kie Flowe Ha Chilcedowicafine Sufiana minor. The leffer'Tur i | m ore yellowilh i of.a— other hereoflit ; that: the leafeis: ffering “ but i tle diifferi . i There ; eisan markes fo large or faire, nor of fo perfpicuous re Scatter > and the flowerneither e) luftre, ugh and {pots, nor the colour of thatliuely (tho dark ! oThe Place. things,and amongother herthings, times i di fent out OfTurkiiee divers it a Ce cathy haue had their original from about itie ofPerfial«| nar e2tog ing Sufis,achiefe a The Time. They flower in May moft vfually,before any ofthe other kindes, The Names. They have beenfent vnto vs, and-vntodiuers other in otherparts afin Conftantinoplevnder thé name of cdlsiaSufiana , and thereupon nie beencalled, both of them andvs, cither Iris Chaleedonica, or Sefonn a diftinGion waior or minor : In Englifh, The Turkie Flowerdeluce, ot ae Ginnie Hen Flowerdeluce,the greater ortheleffer._ Iris alba Elorentina. The white Flewerdeluce. | tion’, oncly the colour ofthe Hower isdifferitie , being of afaire watthet or blerke blew'coloutWwholly, withthe yellow frizé of Yin downe thé middle of the lowét orfalling leaues, as beforeis faid to be commonto all thefe forts of Flowerdéluces: th all otherparts it little differeth, fauing onelythis is obferued to haue a {mall thew ofa purplifh red about thebortome oftheletedhieleands.. \or)\x99 os Writpurpurea fine valgart, The common pubpleFigwerdetucd? This Flowerdeluce, which is moft common in‘Gardens’,‘differerh Hothing 4¢-3fl from thoft that are formerly defcribed, eithet ib to0te, lcafe, OF Hower‘Fol the forte of them,butonely that the Icaues of this are Hot’ {6 lige asthe laft, atid the flower ft felfe is of a’deep purple or Violet colour,and fottetines a little'decliningto rednefié, efpecially’in'fomeplaces. : Sey ae or 5 Sometime s this kindeof Flowetdeluct will have flowers of 2 paler purple colour, Purpurea pale commingneare vntoa blew, and fometimes it. Will haue véines or ftripes ofa deeper dior verfice. blew, ot purple, or afh- colour, running through all the vpperand lowerledues. = There is anotherlike vnto this, but more purple in the fals, and more pale in the ceriec labris vprightleaues, parpurcis. IrisAftatica czruleas' The blew Flowerdeluce ofAfia. This Flowerdeluce of Afia,isin.largencfle of leaues like vnto the Dalmatian » but beareth more ftore of flowers on {etierall branches, which. are.of a deeper blew-co= lour, and the arched leaues whitifh onthe fide, and purplifh onthe ridges;bntin other thingslike vntoit. Theres anothernearevatothis,, but thathis Jeaues area little hattower, and his pypyres, flowersalittle moré purple, ¢fpecially the vpperleaues. 5 t white Flowerdeluce,hath many heads ofvery broad and flat long leaues, Sino folding one within another at rene. and after little diuided - from another toward thetop, thin edgedslikea fword on both, fides, and.thicker “ imiddle:fromthe:middle of fomeofthefcheads ofleaves, rifeth.vp arourid tiffe fal, two or three foot high, bearing at thetopone,two,or three largeiowers,out offeuerall huskesior skins,confifting of nine leanés,as all the other do, ofdifaire white colout hauing in the middle ofeach of thethree falling leaues,. a. {malllong yellow Frlzeat thrume,as is moft vfuall in all the forts ofthe following Flowerdeluces A both bis greaterand {mallerkindes: after the flowersare paft, come thefeed,inclofed in pus fhort pods,full fraught or ftored with redroundifhand flat feede,lyingclofe ot another: the rooteis tuberous or knobby, {hooting out fromeueryfide fuch ee Flore paBido. rous heads, lying forthe moft part vpon or'abouethe,ground, and fattened i ground with long white ftrings or fibres, which hold them ftrongly,, and,encrea u faft. Thereisanotherlike .vnto this, laft,in allthings, fauing that the colour.of floweris ofamore yellowith white, which we vfually calla Stray colour. ’, tris alba maior Verficolor. The white party coloured Flowerdeluce: This variable Flowerdeluceis like vntothe former; -butthatthe leanes are not largeand broad, the flower-hereof is.as large almoft,and as white asthe former, be hatha fairelift orline of a blewith purple downethe backe ofevery, one of thethie vpright leques, and likewife roundabout the edges, both: of the vpper and _ leaues, and alfoa little more puiplithyponthe ridge ofthe arctied leaues,, that “ i the falling leans: the rdotehercot. is nat fo greatas of the former white, buta lit’ flenderer andbrowners 17 5+! ' Iris Dalmatica maior. The great Dalmatian Flowerdeluce. This greater Flowetdeluce of Dalmatid , .haththis:leaues asJarge and broad ae ofthe Flowerdeluces whatfocuct, his ftalke and flower doe equall his othet aap $55 , 2 V IrisDanafcena:. The Flowerdeluce ofDamafte, Thisis likewife altogetherlike the Flowerdeluce ofAfia,butthat ithathfomewhité veines in the vpright leaues. : Iris Lufitanica biflora. The Portugall Flowerdeluce, T his Portugall Flowerdeluce.is very like the common purple Flowerdeluce that this is not fo large in Icanes, or lowers, and that itdoth often flower twice5 bue ina. yeare, that is, both inthe Spring, and inthe Autumneagaine, and befides, the flowers haue a betteror {weeterfent, but of the like purple or Violet colourasit is > and comming forthout of purplifh skins or huskes. ' Iris Camerary fine purpurea verficolor maior. The greater variable coloured purple Flowerdeluce. The greaterof the variable purple Flowerdeluces, hath vety broadleaues,like tethe leaues ofthe common purple Flowerdeluce,and fois the floweralfo, but vndiffc-. ring in colour, forthe three lowerleaues are of a deepe purple colour tending to red- neffe, the three arched Icauesare of the colour with the vpperleaues, whichare of a. pale or bleake colour tending to yellowneffe, fhadowed ouer witha {moakie purplifh. coups, except the ridges ofthearched leaues, which are of amore liuely purple caour. 11parpures verfcalor minor. The leffcr variable purple Flowerdeluce, This Flowerdeluce differeth not in any thing fromthelaft , but onely that it hath na together , the colourswill not feeme to varie the one. fromthe other any whit atall. narrowergreene leanes, and fmaller and narrower flowers, elfe if they be both con- Thereis another fomewhat neare vnto thefe two laftkindes, whofe huskes from 4!ere minut whence fuliginga, |