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Show enof plealanktlowers. ~The Gard———— T he Gardenof pleafant Flowers. The Time. May, or beginuing of Tune, and Thefe doe Lowery fually,in the.endorofAugu tt: ly their feeded$ ripen theendofTu The Nimes- f firtt Baglith blew Flowerdeluee; Hyacinthas Poctormm a aes yo kof foreOooneEebam colorem,id eit violaceum not any.great good groundforit, morethen the very colour; yi itis nde ther of the forme ota Lilly, neither hathit thofemourning markesim pri ted in it>-which the Poet faineth to bee in his Cryin It pe sae eench called an Tris >»or Flowerdeluce (and there is great difference it anfwe becaufe flowers) oftheit Lilly anda Flowerdeluce, for the formes reth therenntovery exa@ly,for the fower,and is therefore call ed vial di moft,either Zi bulbo/a Anglica , Or Iris bulbofa matorfine latifolig, fora rence betweene it , andtheleffer with*narrow leanes :'In Englifh, eythet "The greatEnglifh bulbous Flowerdeluce, or the great broadleafed bub bousFlowerdeluce, whichyou will, adding the other name, according t) the colour. ; fo much ashatf chforthefe broad leafed bulbous Flowerdeluces, leafed bulbos narrow the of varieties feuerall tothe Now ielatie seat ciall differences, eitherin leafeor flower,for bigneffe,coloutsor formeyasis expedient to cxprefle anddiftinguith themfeuerally. »This gtéater white bulbous Flowerdeluce is like vatothelaft defcribed in alt parts; fauingthatit isa little largeratid higher jboth in leafe, ftalke, and flower, aid:hudh whiter then any ofthefe mixedfo rtsthat follow , yet not fowhite as the former rithe toote hcredfis likewife alittle biggerand rounder in the middle, Iob Albefiens. Milke white. Arcentea, Siluer colour. Albida Whitith. And another, whofefalls areof a'yellowith white 5 like the laft ; thear- ched leaues are whitersand the vptight leanes ofablewith white, whichwe calla filuercoloury PIUE I Another hath the fals yellowith ;-and fometimes with a little edge of white aboutchem, and fometimes without ; the vpright leaues are whitifh, as the arched leauesare, yet the ridge'yellowers:. Another hathhis:fals yellow’, and the:vpright leaues white y all thefe duteis. flowers are aboutthe fame bigneffe with the firft. White, with yellow fals. But we haue another, whofe floweris {mallerjand almoft as whites the Apidsanse Lecond, the lowerleaies are fall; and doe as it were ftand outright, ‘not The narrow hauing almoft any falat all,fo that the yellow {pot feemethtobethe whole white, leafe, thearched leauesarenorhalfe fo large as inthe formet, and thevPpAlbida labris right leaues bowe themfelues in the middle, fo thatthe tops doe as it were meete together. Andanotherofthe fame, whofefalling leattesare 2 little more eminent Flowerdeluces, fo much likewife as we haue been acquainted with, and yellow,witha yellower{pots Iris bulbofa minor fine angufiifolia alba, The finaller white or narrow leafed bulbous Flowerdeluce. This Arft Flowerdéluce, which beareth the fmaller flower of the two whiteones, that are Heteto beedeferibed, fpringeth out of the ground alwaies before Winte, which aftet breaketh forth into foure or fiue {mall and narrow leaues, a foore long ‘ more, ofawhiti(s greene on the infide, which is hollow and chanalled, andot blewith greene colour on the outfide , and round withall : the ftalke of this kindes longer and flenderet then the former, with fome fhorterleaues vponit, at thetopy whereof,outof fhort skiriny leaues, ftand one or two flowers , fmaller, fhorter, # rounder then the flowers of the forther btoad leafed Flowerdeluces, but madeaftt the fame proportion with nine leaues , three falling downewards, witlra yellow in in the middl¢, other threeare niade likea longarch’, which couerthe lowerpart ‘K the ftalke ofthofe falling leaues, andturne vp at the ends of them, where they are uided intotwoparts : the other three ftand vpright, betweene cach ofthe three falliay leaues , being fomewhat long and narrow 3 the flower is wholly (fauing the yellow fpot) ofa pure white colour,yet in fome hating a shewof fome blew throughout, in others towards the bortomeof the three vpright leaues: after the flowers arc pal there rife vp fo many long codsor{eede vefléls , asthere were flowers, whichat longer and finailerthen in the former, anda little bending like a Cornet Thereis another , whofe falling leaues have alittle few ofyellownefle inthem,andfo are the middle ridgesof the arched leaues, but the vpright leaues are more whitey not differing inrroote :orleafe fromthe firft white: Auree fue lun \We have anotherkinde thateis called the Spanith yellow; which rifeth TheSpats not vpfo high, as ordinarily moft ofthe reftdoc, and is wholly of a gold yellow colour, yellow. Pallide lutea, There isanother, that vfuallyrifeth higher then the formeryellow, and Straw colour. is wholly of a pale yellow, but deeperat the {por. Altidautee. Thereisalfo anotherlike vato the pale yellow,but that thefalling leaues — Steaw co- are whiter thenall the reft of the Aower. Mawitanica . The Gall Bar. {ead of vpright leaués, hathfinall fhort leaueslike haires 3 it hlowreth very bary yellow. late, after all others haue almoft giuen their feede. veroBi We haue anotherfortis called the party coloured:S panith bulbous FlowpantsOM erdeluce, whole falling leaues are white, the arched leaues ofa whitith fils ‘The party co- uer colour, and the vpright leaucs ofa fine blewith purple. louredSpanih thisfowen. with three round reddith yellow feedes, but {mallerthen the former: theiroote is {maller# fhorter thenthe former, and without any haires or threcds,couered with brownet™4 skinnes, and more plentifull in giuing encreafe. I fhall not neede tomakea feuerall defcriptionto euery one of thefe Flowerdeluct that follow,for that were but to make often repetition of onc thing, which being on done,as itis, may well {erue to expreffe all the reft, and but onely to addethe asi Yet fometimesthis dothvary ; forthe falling leaues will haue either an Diverfes, CA8C OF blew, circling the whiceleaues , the arched leaues being a little The diuerfity blewer, and the vpright leaués morepurple. ervariation of Or the fals willbe almoft wholly blew, edged with a blewercolour,; the round (quares, and round pointed alfo, which diuiding it {elfe when the {cede is ‘ intothree parts, doe thewfix feuerall.cells or places, whcreinis contained fuchlilt Iris bulbofa angwiftifolia alba flore maiore, The greater white narrow leafedbalbous Fiowerdeluce. Thereisafmalleror dwarfekinde, brought from the backe parts ofBar- favaferotine bary, neare the Seay likeyntotheyellow, butfmallerand lower, and in miner, Cerules fixe arched leaues paleblew, andthe vpright leaues of a purplith blew-Violet colour. Orthe fals white, the arched leaues pale white, as the vpright leaues are: Or notof fo faire a blewifh purple,as the firft fortis. 3 Some of them alfo will haue larger flowers then others ; and be morcliberallin bearing flowers : forthe firft fort, whichis the moft ordinary, feldomebeareth aboue one flower on ftalke,yet fometimes two. And ofthe others there are fome that wil beare vfually two andthireé flowers,yet fome 294i¢ Will beare but one, All thefe kindes {mell {weeter then manyofthe purpwrea miner Other, although the moft part be without fent. txfanica pra- “There is anothérkinde, thatis {mallerin all the parts thereef then the Theta! former, the ftalke is flender » and not fo high, bearing at thetoppe onc or tarlypurple two {mall flowers, all wholly offaire blewith purple, with ayellow {pot Rartugail. in |