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Show The Garden ofplenfant Flowers, . The Garden ofpleafant Flowers. fter,andotherplaces alfo. The doublekindes are:thoughito come outy f G aor % The Time. Their times likewife are declared in their feuerall defcriptions ; rhof that are carlieft in Autumne, flower in Auguft and September, the later in OGober, andthelateft in the end of October; and in Noucinber, The their coloursin the Autumne, among whom that Rex powary (as Imayfo callic} the tame or manured kinde, properly called ofthe Gardens dsto be comprehended, for thatit giueth his pleafant fowers at that time amongotliers, I fhall againe diftribure thofe of the Spring time iata three chieke colours; that is, into, white, purple) and ycllow, and vndeteucry one. ofthem, couiprehend thefenerall varieties thatidoe belong yatothem >; which courleE willalfo hold-withthofe ofch¢ Autumng, that thus being tightly ranked, they may the tore orderly bi defcribcd; otherare faid to bee of the Spring, in regard they come after the deepe gf Winter (which is moft vfually in December and fanuary)is paft, The Names. LOI ? 1. Crocus Vernus albus purus minor, Thefmaller pure white Saffron flowerofthe Spring, This {mall Saffron flower {pringéth vpinthe begitmingofthe yeare, with three of The generall nametoall thefe plants is Colchicum, whereunto fomehate added Ephemeran , becaufe it killeth within one dayes {pace and fome Strangaletoriaw. Some hauecalled them alfe Balbus agrefss, and Filius ant Patrews, The Sonne beforethe Father, becaufe (asthey, thinke) it giveth feede beforethe flower : but that is without due confideration ; for the ron ofthis (as of moft other bulbousplants)aftertheftalke of Ieaues and fede are dry, and paft, may be tranfplanted, and then it beginneth to {pring and giue flowers before leaues, (and therein onelyit is differing from othe plants) but the leaues and feede follow fucceffiuely after the flowers, befor it may be remoued againe; fo thathereis not feede before flowers;butcon trarily lowers vponthefirft planting or {pringing, and feedeafter, asin all other plants,though ina diuers manner. The Celchicums Hermodadilum may feeme very likely to bee the Colehicam Orientale of Matthiolus, or the Colchicum Alexandriaum ofLobelius: And fome thinkeit to be the true Hermodadtilus, and fo callit, but ic is not fo.We doe generally call chem all in Englifh Medowe Saffrons, or Colchicum , at cording tothe Latine, giuingto cuery one his other adiunét ro knowitby. foure {mall greene leaues, fomewhat broader ,.but much fhorter then the true Saffron leaues, with a white line downe the middle ofeuery leafe : betweene thefe leaucs, our of a white skinne,rifeth vp oneor two ftiall Howers, madeof fix leauesa peece, asall the reft in génetallare, ofa pure whitecolour, without any mixturein if, which abide notin flower abouea weeke,or ratherleffe, fo fodainly isthe pleafur¢ of this, and the purple loft : it lowreth notfor the moft part, vatilla moncth after the ycllow Crocus appeareth in flower, and the‘ofdiriaty ftript Ctochsis palt : the feedeis {mall round, and reddifh, yet not fo red as the feede of the yellow,containedin three iqhare heads, yet feldomebeareth, but encteafeth by, the roote plentifully enough, whichis fmall, round,and flat at the bottome , fomewhat whiteon the outfide, but whiter within, fhooting out fmall{prouts o9 euety fide of the roote 5; whichis thebeft. note.ro, know this kinde and theleffer purple, which are bothalike, fromall other,rogtes ofSaffron flowers. : 93009 2. Crocus albus maior multiflorus,Lhe great {now white Crocus, idl} OD This greater Saffron Mowerrifethyp wfually with threeor foure greene leaues, larger then the formet, with a white litte in every one of thear: the flowers are greater, and more in number, rifingtogether, butfowring one after another, ofa pure fhovwwhite colour, and abiding but little lobger in flowerthen the former, The Vertues. sic Noneofthefe“arevfed for any Phyficall refpeét Being generally held ; tie deed t olo} 3. Crocusalbus maioralter ditlus Mafacue. oy The great white Saffron flower or Crogus ofMefias A A aa to bedeadly, or dangerousat the leaft. Only rieBfBermiadile df be ofthis tribe, and notthis whichis here expreffed) is of,great vfe, for pails in theioynts, and ofthe hippes,as the Scéetica,and thelike , tobe takenit wardly. Coftzus in his Bookeof the natureofplants, faith, thatthe roots yellow Crocus,andaslarge, with white linegga@them !\ttie fowers alfareas large as in Autumne, which Camerarins contradi@eth, faying, that he found tht the flowers of theyellow, and manyalforifing oneafter anotherlike vntoir, butnot offo pure a white colour,as the formerot lat déferibeds buf rathet tendigis to'a Milky ofour commonkindesare very bitter inthe Spring ofthe yeare, and {wet bitter in Autumne, which were (as he faith) giuenby fomeimpotters tod uers, as an antidote againft the Plague. P This great white Crocus OfMefia,rifth vp out ofthe ground,almoft as early asthe firft fort of the yellow, with foureor fiue leayes, ry like vnto the leaues ofthe or Creaine coldur the rgote'is not coucted with ablyFeatdih. "but tdcher pale’sKinnes orcoates, Recent eit tanzeten Aree ier Chains abi Heepidgen.#2218) Yo 22032 The reat white Crocus of Melia withables vbottonic." SHie ‘ Croce, Safftonis= — ; Here‘are diuers forts of Saffrons , whereo fmany doe flower in the Spritg i time,and fome in Autumne, among whom hate but ote Chel bindey tht ae iscalledtame or of the Garden, which yeeldeth thofe blades or chines thatatt we oemeatesand medicines, and many wayes profitable for other refpects , none?! 2 Te i rae are all wilde kindes » gluing any blade equallynto thofe of che tam AB —— or any other vfe, thenin regard oftheir beautiful] Aowers of feuerall vast tiea asthcy haue been carefully {ought out, and preferuedby diuers., to furnilht t : is 4 inty curiofity.” To entreste thereforeotthefe Linutt. coobfertie ae ae y declarationdiuide them into two primaryfamilies: the former {hall be oftho that yeeld their pleafancflowers inthe Spring ofthe'yeare, andthe ocher that fend ; 9 otiv7 07 onibas3. fnolos olaawe o!sq oleale Thete is another ofthis kinde, like vnta thefofmerimalithings, Guing thatthe bot tomes ofthe fowers ofthis kinde, with {omé pars ofche,inlke next theAower,are of@ pale fhining pirple colour,and.rifing vp a pretty way inte tae Aowenswhereas another \ cheef alfo of this kind, harh litrle fnew or marke otblewsand,nor Pusplesas the borrome of the flower onely which makethadifferences); 5:11 <yive qoloo < 3 Y y sii we 10 ,ouAw 937 slate ol nj D7 1 15 -Croces albusfunde parpareo.T he white Crocus witha purpleportome: This Saffron floweris of the'fame. kinde with the firth; both id sdbte cafesanid flower, innon¢ ofthem differing from itj bueinrhat the bortome ofthis Aowery with that part of the {hort foote-ftalkernext yntoit,, isvofa vidlerior parplecolour and fometimes haning here and there fome purple/fmalllinesox {pots oni the white leanes: it fowrethalfo with the firft white, or f{omewhatlater. 03 - 6.Crocue |