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Show The Garden ofpleafant Flowers, a z lL for the moft part,as any/oft fe kin de of hethefe s kinde stha Parrcrs accmnany aETEcin of:me or ae { now whit e colour, both the The Garden ofpleafant Flowers. cae Bi TNT ae vicif ‘al andthe outerleauesthat compaffeit , after which come fmal] sean ele ocined round blackefeede,asall other Daffodils doe, although ao rene others leffer, according to the proportion ofthe plant S : the rootejs foes ; Path ablackifh skinneor coate ; the imell is very {Weete. petal other fortsmoreofthiskinde, the differences whereof are, thatthe ¢ ieai a fomewhar broader, and the flowers greater then the former : And Ky a fimallet leaues and flowers alfo, whofe cups being {mall, are neuer feene fully — butas it: were halfe clofed at the brimmes. 01 (fie Letifoline totus albus, mediocricalice reflexus, wieileaie Daffodilwiththe great cup. . t ofthefe milke white Daffodils Epiietye‘ieher ssfor , whofe leaues areas broad Ma whofecup int he mid (\) z Sie SY, Sh { NAH | LV ire dle of the flower , is fomewhat larger chi in any of the flowers docalittleleff and leffer then in thegreater kinde: butthe leaues of murerfo netrts, hemfelucs the vpwards, which maketh achiefe dif ference, ThePlace; Thefe Daffodils grow in-Spaine, from whence floutithed a while,but perithed by fome fiercecold I receined manythat tow.in France, from whence many alfo haue been Winters : they likewife brought voto vs.: The i. likewife been fentfrom Conftantinoplet o vs, among otherkindes of Daffodils. - The Time They that come frem Conftantinople, for the moft part doe flo earlier then the ether,cuen afterthey are wer acc them flower notwithftanding inthe end of uftomed to our ayre. Some of March, the reftin Aprill. The Names. They are viually called Narciffi es totus albus polyenthes, add the differences ofwisior, medins ing thereunto ,and *inor, chat i i dill, the greater, the middle i them. The laft, for diftinGio , andthe leffe t; for fo fome doe diftinguith n; hath his na Mein his titl e {ufficient to ex prefhim. 1. Narciffus Narbonenfis, fue medio lut The early French Daffodill ens pracox, . The leaues of this Daffod ill, fpring Vp out of the §tound a moneth times before the otherof or two fomethis kinde thatfollo w beini g alfo thorte the ftalkelikewife is nor ve r,an athinne skinne,as is viu ry high, bearing diuers Owers-atthe top, bre d narrower: t aking in thdrouch fting of fix white leauesall with all the Daffodils > Cuery one hess , and a final] yellow cupi is finsil cont finall fent, no thing fo ftr ichi ; domeparteth into of-fer ong as many others : the rooteis §reat and round, and {els, euenas all the othertha tfoll ow,bearii ng ma ny fi"ngle fow2.Narcifas Narbonen fis vulgaris. The ordi nary French Daffodil ]. This Daffodil! hath long an d br oa d greene leaues, alittle h and edged on both fides; ollowith in the mi the ftalke is ddle, a foote anda halfe high, uers flowers, he bearin e then the form er, confifting of fix gar the roppe diWhat round ; the cu pis white leanes, fome Cuppe, or alittle ful yellow in th: e middleoh , {mall and round, like vnte an iAcorne ler in the middle : thisis che forme of that fort which wasfi rft j Afvicanus j L ich. Narcillus lateus pminor. The leffer lasek fe 1 i: Oeaten ? renea AO EC : N 5 Pifanns, vl totus albus, ees (4teus. The. French Daffodill. at yee The fraliza Dao hite Dalfodill. k Wena os Pdidt, or ittheh al ‘ Ut white 5 Narciffiss Muffart, 4 uflare his DaGodill. Atlicws polyanshes, The great Englith Daffodill. |