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Show TbeGardewofpleafant Flowers. Tha Gardemofplealdut Flomesy\ The Place. ED ffodils doe row on the Pyrenzan mountaines > and haue anSecon: whi ee into thefe parts, by thofe curious orconetoys :-fearchers of thefe delights, that haue madevs partakers ofthem. | | io! The Time, “Kiniles Aavper earlier by.a fortnight then the later the onein ienercabel March,and the otherinotvatill the'middle of,Apiill The Names, * Their namesare giuentoeuery one ofthem intheir feuerall titles, asfitly as may beft agree with their natures ; and therefore I hall not neede to ie fpeake any;further of then. a Narciffius mediolatens unlgarit. . This Daffodill is fo commonin euery Countrey Garden almoft through England, that I doubt I thall but {pend my timein vaine,to defcribe,that which is fo well knowne,yet fortheir.fakesthat know it not, Iwill fet downe the defcription ofit in this manner. It hath‘long limber and broad leaues, of a grayith greene colour, # RSE oes SS SSS Thecommon white Daffodilcalled PrimrofePeerleffe,.. . mong which rifethypaftalke, bearing atthe toppe out ofaskinnie huske fometiies but one flower, but moft commonly two flowers, and feldomethree or more, butlan g¢r for themoft part, then any that beare many flowers vpona ftalke, of4 pale whitili GCreamecolour ;, tending fomewhat neare vnto the colourofa pale Primrofe (which hath caufed our Countrey Gentlewomen, I thinke, to entitle it Primiofe Peerlefe) witha {malJ round flat Crowne, ratherthenacupinthe middle, ofa pale yellow-co: lour; withfome pale-chines ftanding therein; being ofa fweete > but fuffing fent : the rootc is reafonable great, and encreafing morethena better plane. >. Narciffus mediocroceus ferotinus. The late owring white Daffo dilt; This Daffodil! hath much fmaller leaues, and fhorter then the laft, the ftalkeallo rifeth not fo high by much , and beareth but one flower thereon, ofa pure whitecolour, madeo f fix {malideaues,' and fomewhat narrow , ng feuerally one from another, and not {o clofe ogethenas the former, but appeariftandi nglikea ftarre : the cupis {mall and round ,of apale yellow colour, but faffrony about the brims » hauing fx {mall pale chiues inthe middle, the fmell whereofis much fweete r thenin the former The Flace. Thefirftis thoughtto grow naturally in England, but Teoald neuer heart N lentifull i If dens , fothat wee {carcegiucit pl ace : in-our mor a e e cur iou s park es. Thele cond liueth onely with them that deli ghtin varieties, . The Time. of his naturallpl The firft Daffodill dowreth in the earlieft’, ‘not of the lateft; butabout midd letime, being neither oftht the middle of ; Apri ther flowreth with the laeft in May . The Names, fabasmote nel s. Theda n’pan white DaFp4it T hall not neede to trouble you with fiirther repetitions ofnames, they hauing been fet downein their titl €8, Which are pro°per te them. 1. Narviffé KpnPeiifrole Peerle de. 2 Narciffus medio purpurens max irons. The gr tia plo pire S02 T he early pit Me ringed Daffodil I. “4 Naveiffns medio purpmrens fiellarus. The tare Che Perftaa Daffodil. € Ne Uns Antummn al is ming, The ledler Winter Dathadill. 7 Ngee. Aptannaly; Gz |