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Show The Garden of plea/ant Flowers, a | a achenaiveneandob{erued in them, that fo they may be both the bet. The Givilin ofpleafant Flowers. ae scribed by ; andthe betterconceited by others, and euery oneplaced in thejp ter defcribed by rethall inthis, as Lintendto doe in diuers otherplants that are ya. Te iable,gebeomeummeferigtion in .generall ofthe plant,. andthen {et downethe vari. etic oftorine or colour afterwards briefly by themfelues Twlipa precox. Theearly flowring Tulipa, Theearly Tulipa (and fo all other Tulipas) dig - . ooSoni hig es folded one within another, the firft or loweft leafe rifeth vp firft, ot fharpe Poin. will hold water thatfalleth thereon alongtime, of a pale or whitith greene colour, (aiid che Mediz and Serotine mote greene) couered oner as it were witha mealinefle or hoarinefle; with an eye or thew of 'redneffetowards the bottomeofthe leaues, i the edgesinthis kindebeing more notable white,which aretwo principal notes to know ‘a Pracox Talipa froma Adedia or Serotina: the ftalke with the flowerrifeth vp in the middie, asit were through thefe leaues, which intime ftand one aboue another, com pafling iat certaine-vnequall diftances,a nd is often obferued to bend it felfe crooked. ly downeto thé ground, as if it would thruft his head thereinto,, but turning vphis head (which willbe the fower)againe,atterwards ‘ftandcth vpright , fometimesbut three'orfolire fingers or inches high, but more often halfe a foote,anda foot high,but the Adtiiosyand Serotinas much higher, carrying (for the moft part) but one flower ot thetdppethereof, like vnto a Lilly for the forme; confifting of fixe leanes > greene at thefirfh, andafterwards changing into diuersand fundry fenerall colours and varie. ties, the bottomes likewife of rhe leanes of thefe fometimes, but moft efpecially of the Medi, beingas variable as the lower, whichare in fome yellow, or green, or blacke, in-otherswhire; blew; purple, or tawnic, and fometimes one colour circling anothet! fomeofrhemhauclittle ornofent atall, and fome hauea betterthen others, A fterit hathbeenblowneoperthree or foure dayes or more, it willin the heate of the Sunne {pteadit{chfe open,and layirfelfe almoft fatto the ftalke in the middle ofthe flowet frandeth agreene long head(which will be the feed veffell) compafied about ehidesywhich doe muchvary, in being fometimes ofone, atid fometimes with fixe of another colour jtipt with pendents diuerfly varied likewife: the head inthe middle of the flower groweth after the floweris fallen; to belong , round, and edged: as ic wert three {quate , the edges tieeting at the toppe, where it is fmalleft, and making asit Were acrowne(wliichisnot feenii the head ofany Lilly)andwhen itisripe, diuideth iv felfe'on the infideinto fixe rowes: Offat, thinine, brownith, varo thefeedé of the Lillis, but brighter, ftiffer“and more griftly feede; very like tran{parent :'the roote be: ing well g¥owneisroutid)and fonwhat great, fmalland pointed at thé toppe, and broader y*yet roundifhiat thebartome, with a certaine eminence of feare on the one fide, asthe roote of the Colchicinphath ; but'not fo long; or great, it-hath alfoat hollownefle on the orie fide (ifit hane borne a flower) wherethe ftalke Stew; (foral- thoughin chetime ofthe firk fpringing vp, vntillit thew the-budde fer flower, the ftalke with the leaues’theréon rife vp ont ofthe middle of the roote yet whenthe ftalkeis rifen vp, and theweth the budde for flower, it commeth to one fide 3. making an imprefiion therein) couered overwith a thin coate'orskin} like an Onios, hauing'a little woollineffe atthe bottome 3 brownifh' but white within, and firme: yeticompofed of many coates, onefolding within another, as thi¢ roote of the Daffodils be, of a rea fonable goodtafte, neyther very fiveete , nor yer vopleafant. “THis dé{cription may we I teruefor the other Tulipas, being Medias oy Serotinas,concerning thei andbearing, which havenot anyothergreat variety therein worth the not not exprefied here the chiefe difference refting in the'variery of the c flower, andtheirfeverall mixtures and markes,as'I faid before: fauing o Howers of fomearegreat and large, and ofothers finaller, andthe leaues of ripri ‘ GYWi then opencthit felfe, thewing another leafefoldeda - : 1€ oo y of the firft, whichin time likewife openingit felfe, fheweth forth a ui > 3 ee fourthand afifth: the lower leaues are larger then the vpper, and are aire, thicke, broad, long, and hollowlikea gutter, and fometimes crumpled on the edges, which WuWyUsWOU MBLES ground, which ged, and folded roundtogether, vatillillit it bean b inch ortwo Oe aboue to irteathe acheter a |