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Show THE ORDERING OF THE GARDEN OF PLEASVRE. PNY — iWITTE =% = SSS Py Cuape. I: The fituation of a Garden ofpleafure, with the nature offoyles, and bow to amend the defects that are in many forts of fituations and grounds. @ Hz feuerall fituations of mens dwellings, are for the moft part vnauoideable and vnremoueable ; for moft men cannot appoint y forth {uch a manner offituation for their dwelling, as is moft fit yy» to auoide all the inconueniences of windeand weather, butmuft gfe bee content with fuchas theplace will afford them ; yet all men . doewell know, that fome fituations are more excellent than o- fa thers : according therforeto the feuerall fituation of mens dwellings, fo are the fituations of their gardens alfo for the moft parts And although diuers doc diuerfly preferre their owne feuerall places which they haue chofen, or wherein. they dwell, As fomethofe places that are neare ynto a riuer or brooketo be beft for the pleafantnefle of the water, che eafeioftranfportation of themfelues, their friends and goods, as alfo forthe fertility of the foyle , whichis feldome bad neare vnto a tiuers fide ; And others extoll the fide ortop of anhill, beeit {mall or ereat, forthe profpects fake And againe, fomethe plaine or champian ground , for the euen leuell thereof : euery one of which, as they haue their commodities accompaaying them, fo haue they alfo their difcommoditics belonging vntothem, according to the Latine Prouerbe, Ome commodum fert fuumincommedum. Yetto {hew you for euerie of thefe fituations whichis the fitteft place to plant your garden in, and how to defend it fromthe iniurics of the cold windes and frofts that may annoy it, will, I hopejbe wellaccepted. Andfirft, for the waterfide, I fuppofethe North fide of the water to bethe beft fide for your garden, that it may haue the comfort of the South Sunne to lye vponitand faceit, andthe dwelling houfe to bee aboucit,to defend the cold windes and frofts both from your herbes', and flowers, and early fruits, And {fo likewifeI iudgeforthehill fide, that it may lyc full opento the South Sunne, and the houfe aboue it, both for thé comfort the ground fhall recciue ofthe water and raine defcending into it, and ofdefence from winter and colds. Nowfortheplaine leuell ground , the buildings ofthe houfe fhould be on the North fide ofthe garden, that fo they might beea defence of much fufficiency to fafeguard it from many iniurious cold nights and dayes, which elfe might ‘fpoyle the pride thereof inthe bud. But becaufe euery one cannot fo appoint his dwelling, as I here appointthefitteft place for it to be, euery ones pleafure thereofthall be according to the fite,coft, and endeauoursthey beftow, to caufeit come nearcft to this proportion, by fuch helpes of bricke or ftone wals to defendit, or by the helpe of high growne and well{pread trees, planted on the North fide thereof, to keepe itthe warmer. And cuery ofthefe three fituations , hauing the faireft buildings of the houfe facing the gardenin this manner before {pecified, belides the benefit offhelterit fhall haue from them, the buildings and roomesabutting thereon, fhall haue reciprocally the beautifull profpeét intoit , and haue bothfight and fent of whatfoeuer is'excellent, and worthy to giulecontent out from it, which is one ofthe greateft pleaflires 4 garden can yeeldhis Mafter. Now hauing fhewed you the beft place where this var A garden |