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Show 92. eyes, and he finally burst out laughing. Olaf, xrith his twisted grin said, "Bill " and then paused. Bill expected a hoax and that they'd left the game outside. He looked a t Weasel xrho started to snicker and then avoided B i l l ' s eyes. "What's the big joke?" Bill asked. Olaf spoke up, "Go look in the mirror. You look for a l l the xrorld l i k e a chimney sxreep." B i l l ' s alxrays to be depended upon sense of humour deserted him. a^d he shook his head. "We haven't an ounce of meat in the house." "Never saxr a thing today-not even a track," Olaf said. "I cooked up the l a s t of the jerky yesterday xrhen I could see the storm l e t t i n g up-got only enough broth for the baby's supper." Bill pointed out the xrindow to the cow's hide stretched out on the snoxr in back of the shack-immediately Olaf X3as serious. "I didn't r e a l i z e , Bill, that the jerky iss completely gone and now the cow-I res thinking on the xray back that we'd have milk tomorrow." "No chance of that, xre couldn't have used her milk even i f she'd pulled through. Milk fever had set in-the b l i z zard weakened her I guess. Sunny said, "My mouth was sure ready for a long drink of fresh milk. Weasel and me worked a l l day just clearing |