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Show iJ-5. Bill nodded. "He's got a lot of spunk all right, but have you noticed he's not plump like he xias vrhen I found him? I was beginning to wonder if he'd get through the winter. Just hope this heifer doesn't take too long to drop her calf and the snow holds off. so I can got,more grass." "Kids string out about his age." Bill stopped hammering and looked over a t him. "Olaf, how do you 'know so much more about babies than I do?" They could hear the voices of the miners in the distance now. Olaf's jaw s e t . He d i d n ' t ansxrer the question. "I can finish this shed if you want to get dinner started?" he said quietly to Bill. Before Bill made up the f i r e , he started to clear the room of f l i e s . Wasps had been trying to get in a l l day today too, but these didn't bother Bill so much. Flies he couldn't t o l e r a t e . From the desperate xray they seemed to be fighting to get in today, he xjas afraid there could be a big storm building up. He looked quickly through L i t t l e B i l l ' s bedding for vjasps before he brought him in. Little Bill could get a ll around his bed noxr. He'd half crawl, half-scoot, and was so curious he'd certainly pick up a xrasp, if i t x^as xrithin reach?? The snoxr continued next morning, but i t was dry and l i g h t. There xias no wind, so the miners went to xrork as usual. Bill hurried around planning a special dinner for Thanksgiving. He had hanging in the lean-to four pine hens he'd been saving, and |