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Show 1903.] COLEOPTERA OF THE PERCY SLADEN EXPEDITION. 257 Although, owing to the confusion which has prevailed as to the not easily distinguishable black species of Macraspis, this species has remained without a name, it is a well-known Brazilian insect and evidently ranges over a large tract of country. The specimens from Ega, referred by Mr. Waterhouse to M. dichrous, belong to this species. Of M. dichrous Mann, the British Museum contains as yet only a single female specimen, exactly agreeing with that figured by Mannerheim. This species is barely distinguishable except in colour from M. cribratus Waterh., but may be easily distinguished from M. brasiliensis when the specific characters have been recognised. The latter differs from both in having no lateral expansion of the elytra in the female. The male has the last abdominal segment rather less strongly trilobed, the middle lobe being broader and less produced; and in both sexes the rows of large setigerous punctures near the margins of the segments have almost disappeared. The sculpture of the upper surface is almost the same as in M. cribrata, but generally rather finer, and there is a very slight but constantly visible linear impression along the middle of the scutellum, which serves to distinguish this species from all the rest. CrCLOCEPHALA PARAGUAYENSIS, Sp. n. Fusco-rufa, vertice nigro, elytris testaceis; capite grosse punctato, medio leviter longituclinaliter sulcato, clypeo subquadrato prothorace scutelloque sat fortiter punctatis; elytris annu-lariter punctatis ; pygidio crebre subtiliter punctatis. S un-guictdorum anticorum intemalium ramis haud valde diver-gentibus. Long. 12 mm. This is one of the closely similar species forming the melano-cephala- grouip. Like C. laminata Burm., it is distinguished from the other members of that group by the anterior claws of the male, in which the two branches of the inner member are not strongly divergent. From C. laminata it differs by the thicker puncturation of the thorax and scutellum and the densely and finely punctured pygidium, which, however, is not rugose as in C. melanocephala, dimidiata, and vincentice. There is no appreciable difference between the two sexes in the sculpture of the pygidium. NAUPACTUS TUBERCULATUS, sp. n. Niger, pallide brunneo-pubescens, capitis prothoracisque linea alba media e squamis rotundatis composita; scutello albo-squamoso ; elytris costatis, interstitiis squamis minutissimis rufescentibus instructis ; rostro paulo lato, lateribus parallelis p>rothorace {<$) quam latitudinem longiore, post medium lateraliter valde spinoso, disco leviter 6-tuberculato, tubercidis 4 medio approximaiis, 2 pone marginem anticam aliisque minus evidentibus prope angulos, omnibus nudis nitidis; singulo elytro costa suturali aliisque duabus nudis, nitidis PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1903, VOL. II. No. XVII. 17 |