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Show 1903.] SOUTH-AMERICAN COLEOPTERA. 55 PROSICELA MACULATA, sp. nov. Metallic blue or green ; thorax finely and irregularly punctured ; elytra flavous, strongly punctured in very irregular rows, the suture narrowly, a spot on the shoulders and another below the middle, metallic blue. Var. The humeral spot absent. Length 8-10 millim. Head remotely punctured, antennae nearly extending to the middle of the elytra, black, the last joint elongate; thorax irregularly and finely punctured, more closely so near the base ; scutellum smooth; elytra wider at the base than the thorax, strongly punctured, the rows irregular and often doubled, the suture (to the extent of the first row of punctures) metallic blue, gradually narrowed towards the apex, the shoulders with a small blue spot, the disc below the middle with another short, somewhat obliquely placed, elongate spot. Hab. Marcapata, Peru. Closely allied to P.Jictvipennis Erichs., but with more strongly and more irregularly punctured elytra bearing two spots each, which are absent in Erichson's species. PROSICELA INORNATA, sp. nov. Metallic dark green, the antennae black, elongate; thorax very finely and subremotely punctured ; elytra pale fulvous, finely and rather closely geminate punctate-striate. Length 10 millim. Very closely allied to the preceding species, but the thorax more finely punctured ; the elytra geminate-punctate and without any metallic sutural stripe or spots; the sides of the thorax are perfectly straight. Hab. Prov. Huallaga, Peru. Similar in coloration to P. simplicipennis Jac, but the thorax much moie transverse, and the elytra more strongly punctured and in double rows. ZYGOGRAMMA INTERSTITIALIS, sp. nov. Greenish aeneous ; thorax very strongly punctured at the sides, less so at the middle, lateral margins flavous ; elytra very strongly punctate-striate, interstices finely punctured, basal margin, third and last interstice flavous, joined at the apex. Var. Antennae and tibiae more or less fulvous. Length 6 millim. Head finely punctured, the labrum fulvous ; antenna? with the lower four or five joints fulvous, the rest black, strongly transversely widened; thorax with flavous lateral margins, very strongly but sparingly punctured at the sides, somewhat closely but less strongly so at the disc; elytra with deep and rather remotely placed punctures regularly arranged, the sutural rows finer, the third and tenth interstices flavous, the latter with a deep |