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Show 1903.] NEW REPTILES FROM BRITISH NEW GUINEA. 127 if 11 ii Fore limb 14 millim. Hind limb 23 Tail 72 ii ii lips spotted with dark brown; lower parts whitish, throat almost entirely dark brown. Total length 117 millim. Head 11 Width of head ... 7 Body 34 A single specimen from the Albert Edward Range, 6000 feet, collected by Mr. H . S. Rohn. Nearest ally: L. annectens Blgr., from N e w Guinea. LYGOSOMA PULCHRUM. (Plate XII. fig. 3.) Section Liolepisma. Habit lacertiform, slender; the distance between the end of the snout and the fore limb is contained once and one fourth in the distance between axilla and groin. Snout moderate, pointed. Lower eyelid with an undivided transparent disk. Nostril pierced in the middle of a rather large nasal; no supranasal; anterior loreal as deep as the nasal; frontonasal broader than long, forming a short straight suture with the rostral; prefrontals meeting with their inner angles, or narrowly separated ; frontal small, acutely pointed behind, in contact with the first and second supraoculars; frontoparietal single, as long-as the frontal; interparietal distinct, about half as long as the frontoparietal; four supraoculars ; eight supraciliaries; parietals in contact behind the interparietal; three to five pairs of nuchals; four upper labials anterior to the subocular. Ear-opening roundish, smaller than the eye-opening; no auricular lobules. 24 scales round the middle of the body, perfectly smooth; dorsals, especially the two vertebral series, largest, laterals smallest. Two strongly enlarged praeanals. The hind limb reaches the elbow of the adpressed fore limb. Digits slender, a little flattened at the base, fourth toe much longer than third; subdigital lamellae smooth, 22 under the fourth toe. Black above, with five white longitudinal lines, commencing on the snout, the vertebral narrowly interrupted behind the head and ending a little before reaching the sacral region; an interrupted additional line on each side of the body between the vertebral line and the upper lateral; limbs reddish, spotted with black, with regular black bars across the digits; tail coral-red, with a regular series of black spots or vertical bars on each side; lower surface of head and body greenish white. Head 9 millim. Fore limb 11 millim. Width of head ... 5 „ Hind limb 16 „ Body 27 „ Two specimens, both with the tail injured, from the Albert Edward Range, 6000 feet, collected by Mr. H . S. Rohn. Nearest ally : L. pulchellum Gray, from the Philippines. |