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Show 50 MR. MARTIN JACOBY ON NEW [May 12, flavous, the terminal joints strongly transverse ; thorax more than twice as broad as long, the sides straight, the anterior angles produced forwards, the disc finely and closely punctured near the base, less closely so at the sides and anteriorly, the first-named portion flavous, the disc black, this colour in shape of a sub-quadrate patch the sides of which are concave, the anterior edge slightly divided at the middle ; scutellum black ; elytra somewhat widened posteriorly, closely, irregularly, and rather finely punctured throughout, flavous, with two oblique narrow blackish stripes joined at the shoulders, the first extending below the middle and connected down the suture with the lateral stripe, the flavous ground-colour therefore forms a large triangular patch at the anterior portion and another one at each side, the suture is likewise black for a short distance at the base; the breast black, the abdomen and legs flavous; metasternum scarcely raised, claw-joint bidentate. Hab. Marcapata, Peru. This interesting species scarcely fits into any of the groups as arranged by Stal, on account of the entirely irregularly-punctured elytra, at the same time the other characters agree with Stilodes; from any of the species the present one is distinguished by the system of coloration and the rather curious pattern of the elytra. I received a single specimen from Herr Bang-Haas, of Dresden. DEUTEROCAMPTA PUNCTICOLLIS, sp. nov. Fulvous, the apical joints of the antenna?, the knees, and tarsi black ; thorax strongly and closely punctured; elytra regularly punctate-striate, fulvous, the sutural margins narrowly black. Length 8 millim. Head finely punctate, fulvous; antenna? black, the basal two joints fulvous, terminal ones transversely widened ; thorax of the same shape as that of D. scutellata, but more closely punctured, the punctures at the sides scarcely stronger than those at the disc ; scutellum fulvous; elytra regularly punctate-striate, each elytron with 10 rows of punctures, the subsutural row abbreviated before the middle, the extreme sutural margins black ; the knees and the tarsi black, the rest of the under surface fulvous. Hab. Brazil? Closely allied to D. scutellata, of which it may possibly be a variety, but the thorax more closely and evenly punctured, the scutellum and underside fulvous, the legs also differently coloured. DEUTEROCAMPTA SCUTELLATA, sp. nov. Underside and legs, the terminal joints of the antenna?, and the scutellum black, above fulvous ; thorax strongly punctured at the sides, elytra regularly and strongly punctate-striate. Length 8 millim. Head impunctate, fulvous; antennae short, black, terminal joints transverse, broader than long, the lower two joints fulvous |