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Show 1903.] ENTO-PARASITES OF THE " SKEAT EXPEDITION." 151 Habitat. The alimentary canal of Bufo melanostictus Schneider and of Bufo ? penctngensis Wilson & Gray, taken at Patani. ECHINORHYNCHUS XENOPELTIDIS, n. sp. (Plate XVI. fig. 3.) Three curious specimens of Echinorhynchida? were taken free in the body of Nenopeltis unicolor, the sole species and genus of the family Xenopeltida?, which ranges over South-eastern Asia, from India to the Malay Archipelago. Unfortunately, the part of the host's body infested by the parasite is unnamed, but, presumably, it was the intestine. The parasites are three in number, and measure respectively about 25 mm., 17 mm., and 15 mm. I say about, because they were all coiled in a curious, angular sort of way, so that it was not possible to straighten them. They are plump, fleshy-looking creatures with an average breadth of 2-5 mm., though in one specimen a breadth of fully 3 mm. was attained. They hardly taper at all at the ends, which are truncated. Their most peculiar external features are two. The first is the colour. This, in specimens kept for some years in spirit, is a delicate, salmony pink, somewhat resembling a freshly peeled pink banana. I have never seen an Echinorhynchid with anything approaching this colour. The second feature is the wrinkling. This is very marked, and produces a very definite deepening of the colour. The areas into which the wrinkles divide up the skin become in the anterior end almost regularly quadrilateral, and a quite peculiar marking is the result. This is well seen in PI. X V I . fig. 3. The only specimen I sacrificed to the razor showed that these wrinkles are the expression of deep narrow grooves which penetrate the subcuticle almost as far as the basement membrane. Unfortunately the sections obtained did not clearly show the number of rings of hooks. They were not very numerous, perhaps some 8 to 12. In each of the three specimens the proboscis was retracted. Echinorhynchus xenopeltidis, n. sp. (Plate XVI. fig. 3.) Length varying from 15 to 25 mm. Average breadth 2-5 mm. Plump forms with anteriorly many wrinkles, which showed a tendency to break up the surface into squarish areas. Colour, a delicate salmon-pink. Hooks in ?8-12 rows. Habitat. Nenopeltis unicolor Reinw. Taken at Kwala Aring. ECHINORHYNCHUS TIGRINJS, n. sp. Two complete specimens and a fragment were taken from the intestine of a liana tigrina Daud. The former had a length of 10 m m . and an average breadth of 2 m m. They were of a slaty-grey colour and marked by transverse grooves at irregular intervals. The proboscis is very short and very small. It does not emerge |