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Show 1903.] ON THE ENTO-PARASITES OF THE " SKEAT EXPEDITION." 145 5. On the Ento-Parasites collected by the " Skeat Expedition" to Lower Siam and the Malay Peninsula in the Years 1899-1900. By A R T H U R E. SHIPLEY, M.A., F.Z.S., Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, and University Lecturer in the Advanced Morphology of the Invertebrata. [Received May 28,1903.] (Plate XVI.*) C'est parmiles parasites etnon chez I'homme qW il faut^chercher le de la creation. ' ELIE METCHNIKOFF, ' Etudes sur la Nature Humaine.' The collection made by the members of the Skeat Expedition of Entozoa was rich and varied, and inasmuch as it was gathered in a land hitherto unsearched for this purpose, it is not surprising that it contained a large proportion of new forms. Amongst the more interesting of the results brought to light by the investigation of the material are:-(i.) A new species of Tetrarhynchus found in a Holothurian. This is, I believe, the first record of a Tetrarhynchus being found in any Echinoderm, and indeed the presence of Tetrarhynchidse in invertebrates at all is only recorded for one or two Molluscs and doubtfully for a species of Aphrodite. (ii.) A n undeterminable species of Tetrarhynchus from a sea-snake. Here, again, we have an entirely new host, no Tetrarhynchus having been hitherto found in any vertebrate outside the class Pisces with the exception of the Chelonian Testudo my das. (iii.) A considerable collection of new forms of Acanthocephala. The Nematodes, which have been described elsewhere by Dr. von Linstow, include some fourteen new species. As. will be seen, the collection covers a wide field and includes representatives of the Sporozoa and all the chief groups of metazoan Entozoa, except the Trematoda. The Oestoda, Acanthocephala, Nematomorpha, Nematoda, and Linguatulida severally contribute one or more species to the total. With regard to the localities, the parasites were collected mainly in three or four places : Biserat, in Jalor, a province of Lower Siam, in Kwala Aring in the same province, and at Tremangan. CESTODA. Fam. BOTHRIOCEPHALID.E. BOTHHIOCEPHALID LARVJU. The snakes of Lower Siam seem frecpiently to harbour the large larval form of certain of the Bothriocephalidae, of which it is * For explanation of the Plate, see p. 156. PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1903, VOL. II. No. X. 10 |