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Show LIST OF PLATES. 1903.-V O L. II. PART I. } 59 Plate Page M n. I } Anatomy of Monstrous Fish Embryos 4 iv.; v. i l Crangon larvae 24 VII. Mylacrodon goeldii VIII. 1. Peristedion altipinnis. 2. Genypterus brasiliensis .... IX. Planarians from Zanzibar 99 X. 1. Genetta genetta (L.); 2-6. G. plesictoides, sp. nov.; 7. Plesictis croizeti Filhol 121 XI. Rhiacichthys nova-guinea • • 124 XII. 1. Lygosoma milnense. 2. L. granulatum. 3. L. pulchrum .. XIII. 1. Lygosoma pratti. 2. Toxicocalamus longisissimus. 3. T. stanleyanus XIV. Fig. 1. Diopatra neapolitana. 2. Onuphis holobranchiata.~\ 3-6. Marphysa macintoshi, n. sp I XV. Figs. 7-10. Marphysa mossambica. 11, 12. M. simplex, n. sp. f 13, 14. M. furcellata, n. sp ) XVI. Ento-Parasites from Lower Siam 145 XVII.) H25 XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. )• Medusae from British Columbia and Alaska 164 NOTICE. The ' Proceedings' for the year are issued in four parts, forming two volumes, as follows:- VOL. I. .Part I. containing papers read in January and February, in June. II. „ „ „ March and April, in August. VOL. II. Part I. containing papers read in May and June, in October. II. ,, „ „ November and December, in April. ' Proceedings,' 1903, Vol. I. Part II. was published on August 6th, 1903. |