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Show 260 ON THE CYPRIOTE SPINY MOUSE. [Nov. 3, CASTNIAD.E. CASTNIA D/EDALUS Cram. Pap. Exot. i. pi. 1, A, B (1775). 1 $• PYRALID^E. PHYCITIN^E. ELASMOPALPUS PYRRHOCHRELLUS Rag. Nouv. Gen. p. 23 (1888); id. Rom. Mem. ix. p. 429, pi. xvii. f. 13. 1 ?. CHRYSAUGINiE. SACCOPLEURA ? sp. 1 $ without palpi. PYRAUSTIN.E. GLYPHODES FLEGIA Cram. Pap. Exot. ii. p. 66, pi. 140, D (1775). 1 ?. TlNEIDjE. 1 o* belonging to a genus allied to Tortricopsis Newm., from Australia. HEPIALID^E. DALACA METELLUS Druce, P. Z S. 1889, p. 509, pi. 43. f. 2. 3 cS • Antenna? bipectinate ; claspers asymmetrical, the right clasper large, the left minute. DALACA SLADENI, sp. n. d . Antenna? minutely serrate ; claspers symmetrical. Head, thorax, and abdomen rufous mixed with brown. Fore wing rufous, with numerous pale stria? and reticulations, the costal area, the medial area below the cell, and the area between veins 3 and 6 suffused with dark brown ; the pale stria? forming an oblique irregularly sinuous line from costa before middle to inner margin beyond middle, where it is met by an oblique slightly waved line from costa before apex ; a curved whitish mark composed of two small spots at origin of veins 5 and 6. Hind wing red-brown, the costa chequered ochreous and dark brown. Hab. Central Brazil, Chapada {A. Robert), 1 <$ type. Exp. 34 millim. 5. Note on the Cypriote Spiny Mouse. By P. CHALMERS MITCHELL, M.A., D.Sc, Secretary of the Society. [Received September 10, 1903.] Early in the summer of 1903, Mr. Roland L. N. Michell, British Commissioner at Limassol in Cyprus, wrote to me through Sir A. K. Rollit, M.P., F.Z.S., respecting a large spiny mouse, small numbers of which occurred among the rats sent in by the villagers in connection with the protective measures against plague. I asked him to send home skins and skulls, or, if possible, living specimens. He very kindly brought home a number of |