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Show PROFESSIONAL k S. K E. Sixty-five engineering students banded together in the campus branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Eager to develop friendships that would continue into their professional careers, ASME members worked with their parent chapter in the city. At their annual Capers Banquet, technical papers written by students were judged; and winners Bill Boyd, Blaine Nilson, and Larry Gillette will enter regional and national competition with them. Chairman Bob Sawyer led the mechanical engineers in campus intramurals, meetings, spaghetti feed, annual party for seniors, and into second place during Engineering Week. Officers and advisors, first row, left to right: Philip Pfister, Bill Madsen, Ed Vendell. Second row: Mel Ball, Scott Horsley, Allan Fechser, Bob Sawyer. ' . .. . BE First row, left to right: William Barnes, Philip Pfister, Ralph Elwell, Ed Vendell, Bill Madsen, Vaughn Guest, Arnold Thompson. Second row: Don Haycock, D. Chryssopoulos, Allan Fechser, Bob Sawyer, Don Wilkinson, Dr. M. B. Hogan, Ken Smart. Third row: Bill Kelso, Larry Gillette, Scott Horsley, Mel Ball, Ed Boyd, Dale Latimer, Alvin Bytheway, Bob Warnick, Dr. A. Johnson. 282 |