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Show Utah and Moutain 1966-1982: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Health Care Financing Administration. Health Care Financing Review. Baltimore, MD: Author. U.S.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Health Care Financing Administration. Health Care Financing Review. Baltimore, MD: Author. Table 102. Per Capita Health Care Expenditures: Average Annual Rate of Increase U.S., Mtn, and Utah 1993: Utah Department of Health Division of Health Care Financing. (July 1995). Personal Health Care Expenditures. Unpublished report. Utah and Mountain: American Hospital Association. Hospital Statistics. Annual editions from 1983 to 1993. Chicago, IL. Utah and Mountain 1976-1982: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Health Care Financing Administration. Health Care Financing Review. Baltimore, MD: Author. U.S.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Health Care Financing Administration. Health Care Financing Review. Baltimore, MD: Author. Table 103. Hospital Length of Stay Utah: American Hospital Association, in Utah Hospital Association. (1994,1992,1988,1984). Utah Hospital Fact Book. Salt Lake City: Author, p. 26. U.S.: United States Bureau of the Census. (1994). Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1994 (114th ed.). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office Author, p. 127. Table 104. Staffed Beds in Utah 1986-1992: Utah Hospital Association. (1994). Utah Hospital Fact Book 1994: A Profile of Health Care in Utah (10th ed.). Salt Lake City: Author, p. 26. Table 105. Hospital Occupancy Rate Utah 1980-1991: Utah Hospital Association. (1994). Utah Hospital Fact Book 1994. Salt Lake City: Author, p. 26. U.S. 1980-1991: United States Bureau of the Census. (1994). Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1994 (114th ed.). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, p. 125. Table 106. Frequency of Hospital Admissions Utah 1986-1991: Utah Hospital Association, Utah Hospital Factbook 1993: A Profile of Health Care in Utah (9th ed.). Salt Lake City: Author, p. 40. U.S. 1986-1990: United States Bureau of the Census. (1992). Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1992 (112th ed.). Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, p. 114. Table 107. Utah Hospital Admissions by Age and Sex, 1991 1991: Utah Department of Health, Bureau of vital Records and health Statistics. (1992). Utah's 1991 Health Status Survey: Hospitalization (Report no. 152). Salt Lake City: Author, p. 13. Table 108. Utilization of Inpatient and Outpatient Services 1984-1994: Utah Association of Healthcare Providers (Oct 1995). Unpublished report based on data from American Hospital Association AHA Annual Survey. Salt Lake City: Author. Table 109. Utah Health Care Plan Enrollment 1995: Utah Association of Healthcare Providers (August 1995). HMO and PPO Enrollment in Utah. Unpublished report prepared from data from the Utah Department of Health, Health Care Financing Administration. Salt Lake City: Author. Table 110. Physicians per 100,000 Population 1993-1994: American Medical Association (1995). Phvisican Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S.. 1995-96 Edition provided by the Utah Medical Association. 1982-1992: Utah Hospital Association. (1993). Utah Hospital Fact Book 1993: A Profile of Health Care in Utah (8th ed.). Salt Lake City: Author, p. 22. Table 111. Rural Population and Health Resource Information by Regional Health Care Delivery Site/Isochrone 1993: Utah Department of Health, Division of Health Care Resources, Bureau of Primary Care and Rural Health Systems. (1993). Utah's Vision for Rural Health Care: A Framework for Action. Prepared for the task force on Rural Health Policy Development. April 1993. Salt Lake City: Author, p. 48. 130 List of Sources |