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Show Female Breast Cancer (ICD-9 Codes: 174) (1993 Total Deaths from Female Breast Cancer = 184) The incidence rate for female breast cancer is increasing in Utah and the U.S. Between 1981 and 1993, Utah's incidence rate rose 38%. From 1981 to 1991, the U.S. rate increased 24%. Rates of incidence and deaths from female breast cancer are slightly lower for Utah than for the U.S., although the gap appears to be narrowing. In 1991, Utah rates for incidence and mortality had closed to within 92% of national rates. Mortality rates have remained fairly stable even as the incidence rates have risen. This may reflect increased detection at an earlier age resulting in increased treatment efficacy, as well as improved treatment. Table 32. Female Breast Cancer* Incidence Mortality Year Utah U.S. Utah U.S. 1981 74.5 88.7 24.9 26.6 1982 73.9 89.1 21.4 26.8 1983 84.2 93.1 22.2 26.7 1984 87.2 96.7 20.7 27.3 1985 86.2 103.6 20.7 27.5 1986 95.3 106.1 21.8 27.3 1987 96.2 112.4 23.1 27.1 1988 93.9 109.8 23.8 27.5 1989 90.7 105.7 23.4 27.5 1990 92.9 109.4 21.7 27.5 1991 101.2 110.2 24.8 27.0 1992 97.5 _ 21.3 _ 1993 102.9 - 21.5 - Although the causes of female breast cancer are not well understood, diet, genetics, and hormones may affect the risk. Early pregnancies may also reduce the risk of breast cancer. The higher fertility rate in Utah may help partially explain why Utah's breast cancer rates are below the national average. Utah has a relatively low rate of breast cancer incidence and mortality. However, in 1991 and 1992 Utah was below the national median in the percentage of women 18 and older who reported ever having a mammogram. Although the percentage increased in 1993, Utah still ranked last out of all 50 states in the percentage of women reporting having had a mammogram. Breast cancer death rates can be reduced by early detection through monthly self-examination and yearly mammograms. Table 33. Mammogram Rates* Utah 1991 1992 1993 43 45 47 Median State 49 50 54 Range of States 41-56 42-56 47-56 * Percentage of women 18 and older who report ever having had a mammogram. * Age-adjusted rates per 100,000 females. Age-adjusted to the 1970 standard population. Figure 21 Female Breast Cancer •# 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Utah - --o- u.s. Mortality Mortality Utah Incidence -------- Incidence *Rates are age-adjusted to the 1970 standard population. 66 Health Status |