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Show February 3U# 1951 ftp, Carl F, Hsaasm, Associate Supertatendeat, Public Schools of the District of Colamlda Franklin Adminiitimtioa asiMiag Thirteenth a M I Streets, »«W* Ifttshiagtoa 5, D» C, Thank yoa so aaeh for ym$? kind letter of February 8, Please accept my apology for the allffct delay la ^ply owing to the pressars of business both iaside and outside the Library* ?$r wife and 1 are very pleased with the proepect of visiting some of the Matvlet Schools, I tHak that aaxt Monday, <^ Tveeday, will be a suitable tlae for us, and X should appreciate it if yoa could ktadly send ae a latter of iata^dactiea to the heads of these schools* Me should lite to visit a kiaSargarten, aa elementary and a eeeendary school - situated p^ferabty ia the saw locality, I wonder if "tttere are any printed curricula represent** lag the taerdcaa ayataa of c^weationf It would be very helpful to as to study any aaeh documents at leisure, ia the Atpt of what we shall see ia practice, I should, therefore, be Eiaeh obliged to yoa if yoa could faraieh me with the necessary references for the purchase of each material. foare very eSaaarely, ASAiss Asia S* Atiya |