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Show c , c //Ol April 23, 1951 8r» Ben M* Cherrlagtoa University of ®®w?$r Social Science foundation Deaver 10, Colorado Bear Br. Cherrlngtoa! Thaak yea for year letter of April 5, which was forwarded to ne while oa a leetare tour to a mudber of aaiveraitiea ia the East, I hope that thie will e:xplala the delay in ay reply, 1 uaderetand perfectly the situation yea have outlined ia your kind letter about the program of your yearlong Inquiry into the Prospect for Freedom* It will, nevertheless, be a pleasare for ae to meet some of the Bearer colleagaee together with Mr, Crofts for an infenaal dlseassiea* I aa f&aaaiag, at any rate, to come to Bender with ay wife ia order to have the a^pertaalty of eeeiag your university and the Hooky eouatry arenas* the city* If, however, a leetare can be arranged at Colorado, I shall be happy to respond la spite of the fee liaitatioae. 1 know well that smaller universities are rather restricted la funds, and I feel that I should mt really impose oa then ao long as they are eager to have me lecture to them, I plan to do the ease at Utah on ay way to San Francisco, Going around, even informalls, provides re with occasions for Baking contacts and for seeing the aest of the country which ia a wholesome aspect of ay Aiaerican Journey* Thoafh X upend most of ay tiaa now away from Washington visiting as sgany universities as possible, ay penaanent address regains at the Library ef Coj^reae, and I shall be happy to hear further froa yon. My plaa is te fly fdth ay wife from Hew fort to Dearer oa April 29 and I will be pleased te spend a few days ia year part of the world, lows very sincerely, // ASAtss Aaiss S* Atiya |