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Show 332 REPORT OF THE UTE COMMISSION. s p m e u t , which dory wrcr porformrd aa n r a r l ~as po%sibln,l ludnr rhe.pncoliar cir-cnfta tanrrs, axrunling to law. Followisg tho ruroll~tt~ntht e llaymeut r s s laaale of the nionos i,n~vicled tor i n the arrrcmalrr ru rhnCO3 \\'hitr Rirnr Ctes. \v1101. names \yere enrdrni un rlrr cmaw lisr, 'l;aiug a per capita ot'$1!8. Thru wsd ;o outbre:tk or Lmach of Illopeace during tlte ~11ttnnt,:+a work. JIurh credir is clue 10 fhseficieneg of Cupt. H. H. TOIIIIL1''.. 3. A,. whu cc,lnnoanded 1110 \mall mard sent to Uintal~I,! . vnlnr of i'.e~~er;lCl n,ok','eomnlanher of dq,artucur, ar an eac"wr. and ro the ~ut~um"policu orgallilnll by A g l t r Critchlow. L't!li~rr~~osrerllrte. aobniatance nramised was uot at hand. Itor had it arrivrd ar the tiu8r.ufn~)"lc~~i6tuSwr.p t ~ml ~iOr ,ra xraltt hcuf nud dour. I \v3s informed tlsat tofToa wuulcl hu added ro rhn rarhairt~nev inmo at xu early day. This fsilura an rhc parr uf rhc *.uvarnmwtt ru iwdridr, *obai*rauvr almost duieattd thucomnli,siuu it, their ntiorrs ro c;~rlaummnte tlwhgrrcment. Th,, I.iblalr Cres were ax<rieveJ. at nur baing uona~llred old compensnred fur tba White Ili\.rr Ctes baiur blantrhr to Cinrah. I t has required grea oareuin the management of this matter to prevent serious trouble. Agent Critohlow has rendered assistance in everything required by the oommiasioo. All things considered, I am satisfied with the results. True, a, majority of the White River Utes returned to Colorado, with their families, beoaase of the gov-ernment's failure to supply them with annuity goods and partly on account of their attachment to theiro1.l homes. If they are not mole~teda nd driven to war by misnn-derstaodinfis with white men, I feel safe in ssgino that, all, or nearly all, of them will within thenext ysar locate permanently at int tax, the exceptions baing Colorow and one or two others. After the payment was made I prooeeaed to examinethe Uintah Reservation, with the view of sscertsining as to the probability of finding suitable land. for the fulfill-ment of the anreemout regarding theallotment of lands in severalty. This olsuse in tho agreemen: was fully explained to tho White River Utes and also to tho Uintahs. About twenty of the fol.mer declared their readiness to aooept land in severalty at once, and expressed the opinion that B majority of their people woold fall in line at an early dsy. Of these, four men came forward and asked for written notices to be furnished to them. which tbev desired to oost noon their claims. Fourteen of these men made espooiil request t"o be furnish;& wit& wagons, harness, and agrioultural implements at the earliest time possible, proposing to\go to the railroad for them. I made their desireaknawn to thenon. Secretaro of Interior. whohas forwarded twentv angot#%w ith ~ ~ I . I I ( . J Jn, nda rntltplr oi fxrl~civ;g 1001+. -~;tk arillg it snrrvl,g.sr n r u!i. coatm!ld, I wus nor nhlr tu uae..rtaio thv umunluf of lnnds suitable r k allotment wlrlli!~ the burders of Uiorah. bur I wre there ia rubcinnr tier rhe fuldllmenr 01' tlm agwc88k.nr. l'llnr., id an abuniianr supply t , i water wlaicll ca~o 1," ntsnle nratlablo fur irri~alla,un t hno~dll oust, hay $15,OUUl ~uffiii~vttf' o~H I! 1110 laud6 11131 n.ill ever L'I un.-d tbr a~rrirulturntlm nwata. I h3\tS Gad* no e+fim.'rca tor avl,uol-houses or orher building~i, fin rha reawn that ther(.n~.ea l r e~dpaUt iutal~dgudir~~nufv yn ~illsromerrr llre~lnnremn~~rLsodrfh trihrs. 1 nmt cilrucrrlv rc,cu!orn:nd rLst rhcoa two tl.!beeof L'te,. Uinmllr. n t u l \Vhitc Rivers. br ~~~naoliola:ruetu~ iu oe p ~ p l ew, ith one tilt#ala nd nno c o n~~~it~o>ni erc.it. I L3\.c dig'- curard rh~an bnttrr wirL then,, and I und rhnr rlbrre ia nor vnne disrerit:!~r~ol ce u!canw them on thir i,rut,usirion. 1 rollridor rllia l r : ~ , cureutial fur the "card. Pronrc,r, act2 har~nouxu f rhr indinus at IJisralr. \\'b.n thiaio done the way l a up>; fi,;.' godcl ra-snits iu rhrtr civilizariau: orher\r.ise, we rannor maan~onl,lpn ~ltieipetca ny vnz~torinl advano*ro l ~ uol ildour nrxeeto be 1013~co ntivtuetl. I n . ~ ~ ~ + ~ ~ t h ~ l ltlvttsro t cl tcore~( ~r ~ t ~ - nlinaion rr.cururneaP so& ico~wdiatca ction on rhe ywr "f Cung;c*$.f& 111,: con3tlnlluil-riold of the l#ropoeodc uc,anlidatiun. I have :also ilisrt~s~i.rah~el ~ ,mprinrru i tllc ronsuli-dution of 011 rlw U t t ~itt rooon tribe, or ~eoplnw, irh the Uinrnl~n n~\lV hiraIliver Urrs. and I am satisfied that such il step bocld he& with universal approbation. -A-. -R . -M EACHAM. Of the Uto Cornmimion, While ~iun.'~iviatan. BWREPORT OP COMMISSIONEB MANYPENNY ON TEE SETTLEMENT OP THE SOUTRERN UTES. WASEINGTONC ITY, Nmm66r 19, 1B1. To the Ute Cmmisaton: In pursusnoe of the suggestion of the honorable Secrotay of the Interior, in his letter of instructions to tho Ute Commbion of the date of Maroh 31 1881 in reference to the work to be performed durin the season, and tho division 02 the iabobor among the members. thereof, d i n acoor%ance with the action of the commission, it fell to my lot to o to the Southern Ute Indians, to supervise the seleotion and survey of the lands for &em, and superintend their removal to the same. |