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Show 212 RATIFICATION OF AGREEXENT WITH UTES. WHITE 1. Cept. Jaok, his x mark. 2. Stephens, his x mark. 3. Pent, his x mark. 4. Saw-*wick, his n mark. 5. Ta-satasnu-aikio, his x msrk. 6. P%pa-tee, his s mark. 7. Pu-~ia-ky,h is x mark. 8. Un-ga-ma, bis x mark. 9. Tas-que-och, his xntark. 10. Ynr-ms-aeut, his x mark. 11. Jam-euzkis, his x mark. 13. Cu-rup-8,bbh, is x mark. 13. Qui-oacb, his x msrk. 14. Henry James. 15. Timothy. 16. Sow-wa-wach, hia x mark. 17. Boram, his x mark. BUTEX UTE INDIANS. 18. Nan-natoh, his x mark. 19. Kasa-mip, his x mark. YO. Ranken. 21. Spear. 22. Chief Johnson, his x rnsrk. 23. Waoh-enp, his x mark. 24. Wap-sack, his x muk. 25, Un-ga-muacb, him x mrrrk. '26. Ya-go, his x mark. 27. Tow-wan-t,atoh, his x inark. 2H. Antonio, his xmark. 29. Ah-ka-ri, his x mark. 30. Jim, his x mark. 31. Unole Sam, his x mark. 32. To-pa-chita, his x mark. 33. Qu-cha-chit., bis x mark. 34. Sho~l-wayrumph, is x mark. We, the undersizned, sworn interpretera, do hereby certify that the White River Ute Indimq whose Dam- appear above, were in the counoil~w ith the iJna~m!,agbreU te Indians referred to iu our certifian'e, in relation to said last-nsmed Indiana, and their ratification of t.he agreement mant%iioed in the aot of Congress of June 18, l8S0; thst said White River Indians beard the interpretation and explanations ,made by the oonlmiasiou, in relation to said agreement and anid iostrumeut of ratification, and fully understood the same. We further oertify that we witnessed the exeoutiou of said instrument by said White River Iudians, wh-se names sppesr as above. URIAH M. CTJRTIS, Ute Inie~yvet6r. J. SABIN0 ESPIiiOSA. Los PmOS INDIAN AGENCY, Colorado, dsg~gust2 ,1880. Spanish Interpi.sfer. WHITE RIVER UTE INDIANS. dugust 14, 1880. . 49. Nan-nah-po-ah, his x mark. 50. Sow-wah-oeoh-wut, his x mark. 35. Tah-vis-see-at., hie x mark. 51. Washington, h i s s mark. 36. Chao-toomph, his x mark. 52. Tir-me-moa-goo, his x mark. 37. At-chee, hie x mark. 53. Com-measb, his x mark. 38. Commission, his x mark. 54. Ssh-re-oov, his x mark. 39. Ty-quan, his x mark. .55. Pah-git. his x mark. 40. Satoh-nip-we-gut, hia a mark. 56. Pis-too-goo-nsre, his x mark. 41. Tsw-chit., his x mark. 57. Kaw-pite, his x mark. 42. T-soe-ohoar, his x msrk. 43. So-a-not-che-cut, his n mark. September 7. 44. Wee-tom, his x mark. 58. Koo-up-wa-pwa, his x mwk. d w u s t 31. 59. Pow-way, his x mark. 60. Sit-ohoomp, his x mark. 45. Te-ag-wa, his x mark. 46. Ar-cha-qua, hia x mark. sqtembw 18. 47. Sow-wa-sboow-aeut, hia x mark. 48. Ta-ro.roas his x mark. 61. Tut-pi-a?, his x mark. I hereby aertify ou hwor that the above signsturea of male adult White River Ute Indians to the foregoing instrument of ratification of tbe agreement submitted to said Indians by the Ute Commission were obtained under and in oooformity to the sot of Congress approved June 15,1880; that they are genuine, and that every name was written and signed under my parsooal superviaion and in nlg presence, beginning at Nu.35, on the 14th dag ot August, 1880, to No. 61, iucloaive, ending on the Ibth day of September, 1880, and thst eaoh Iudian voiuutaril signed and exeoutetl the same with a loll knowledge of the intent and meaning of the aot. Dnted alld algned at the Lou Pinos Indian Agenoy,Colorado, September 18, A. D. |