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Show CON1'.1:-~N1'S . CHAP'fER III. OF TilE RENT OF LAND. SECT. I.-Of the Nature and Causes of Rent SEcT. II.-On the neces ary Separation of the Rent of Land frmn the Profits of the Cultivator and the Wages of · the Labourer . SECT. III.-Of the Causes which tend to raise Rents in the ordinary Progress of Society . SEcT. IV.-Of the Causes which tend to lower Rents SECT. V.-On the Dependance of the actual Quantity of Produce, obtained from the Land, upon the existing Rents and the existing Prices SEcT. VI.-Of the Connexion between great comparative Wealth and a high comparative Price of raw Produce . SECT. VII.-On the Causes which may -mislead the Landlord in letting his Lands, to the Injury both . of himself and the PAGE 134 150 160 178 183 192 Country . 199 SEcT. VIII.-On the strict and necessary Connexion of the Interests of the Landlord and of the State in a Country which supports its own Population 204 SEcT. IX.:.-On the Connexion of the Interests of the Land-lord and of the State, in Countries )Vhich import Corn SEcT. X.-General Remarks on the Surplus Produce of the 217 Land • 226 CHAPTER IV. OF THE WAGES OF LABOUR. SECT. I.-Of the Dependance of the Wages of Labour \lpon Supply and Demand . . 240 SEcT. II.-Of the Causes which principally affect the Habits of the Labouring Classes . 247 SEcT. III.-Of the Causes which principally influence the Demand for Labour and the Increase of the Population . 25 7 ). . .,..,·., . ·~ ,, ., .. ··! .... , . ·. :'·:, ,·. 't .I I . 1 , CON'fENTS. v PAGE SECT-. IV.--Of the Etfect of a Fall in the Valu~ of Money on the Demand for Labour and the Condition of th~ La-bourer . 267 SEc~. V.-On the Conclusions to be drawn from ·the preceding Review.-Of the Prices of Corn and Labour during the Five last Centuries . CHAPTER V. OF THE PROFITS 0.1!' CAPITAL. SECT. I.-Of Profits as affected by the increasing Difficulty 281 of procuring the Means of Subsistence . 293 SEcT. II.-Of Profits as affected by the Proportion which Capital bears to Labour . · . 301 SEcT. III .-Of Profits as affected by the Causes practically !n operation . 313 SEcT. IV.-Rema;·ks on Mr. Ricardo's Theory of Profits . 326 . CHAPTER VI. 0F THE DISTINCTION BE'TWEEN WE~LTH AND VALUE . 337 CHAPTER VII. ON THE IMMEDIATE CAUSES OF THE PROGRESS OF WEALTH. SEcT. I.--Statement of the particular Object of Inquiry . 345 SEcT. II.-Of the Increase of Population considered as a Sti-mulus to the continued Increase of Wealth . 347 SEcT. III.-Of Accumulation, or the Saving from Revenue to add to Capital, considered as a Stimulus to the Increase of Wealth . 351 SEc'r. IV.-Of the Fertility of the Soil, consicler~d as a Sti-mulus to the continued Increase of Wealth . . 375 SEcT· V .-Of Inventions to save Labour, considered as a Sti~nulus to the continued Increase of Wealth . 401 SEcT. VI.-·Of the Necessity of a Union of the Powers of |