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Show PART III PRESENT STATUS OF DEVELOPMENT Table 1 - Water uses by states, 1965, Upper Colorado Region On-site depletions in acre-feet Type of use Arizona Colorado New Mexico Utah Wyoming Total Municipal and industrial Electric power (thermal) Minerals Fish and wildlife Recreation Stock-pond evaporation and livestock use Subtotal Irrigation Consumptive use Incidental use Reservoir evaporation Total irrigation Export. Diversions Reservoir evaporation Less water import Subtotal of all above Main-stem reservoir evaporation Region total 1,500 600 1,100 3,200 15,900 3,200 16,900 2,700 700 20,700 2,400 15,300 1,600 400 100 2,400 5,000 1,300 9,4oo 7,900 300 2,600 3,4oo 5,800 100 200 6,200 4,500 4,4oo 991,300 76,000 500 198,700 15,000 2,000 27,100 31,700 404,400 221,200 81,000 20,400 30,200 23,900 27,400 23,200 33,700 11,700 1,300 34,900 60,10022,20030,100 16,600132,200 1,697,300 315,600 114,900 6,9001,217,100122,700515,600265,500 2,127,oOO 417,100 12,300 109,500 n,4oo (2,600) 526,600 23,700 (2,600) 10,1001,706,600144,900664,000282,100 2,807,700 643,000 3,450,700 Table 2 - Water uses by subregions, 1965, Upper Colorado Region On-site depletions in acre-feet Green Upper San Juan- Region Type of use River Main Stem Colorado total Municipal and industrial 7,900 12,300 7,200 27,400 Electric power (thermal) 6,300 1,600 15,300 23,200 Minerals 17,200 11,900 4,600 33,700 Fish and wildlife 8,000 1,300 2,400 11,700 Recreation 500 500 300 1,300 Stock-pond evaporation and livestock iise 13,300 11,200 10,400 34,900 Subtotal 53,200 38,800 40,200 132,200 Irrigation Consumptive use 662,400 7^7,400 287,500 1,697,300 Incidental use 113,600 167,300 34,700 315,600 Reservoir evaporation 42,400 16,900 55,600 114,900 Total irrigation 818,400 931,600 377,800 2,127,800 Export Diversions 109,500 4l4,600 2,500 526,600 Reservoir evaporation 11,400 12,300 23,700 Less water import (2,600) (2,600) Subtotal of all above 992,500 1,397,300 417,900 2,807,700 Main-stem reservoir evaporation 67,000 576,000 643,000 Region total 1,059,500 1,397,300 993,900 3,450,700 |