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Show 4‘13. 494 watch for news 111' the (Finerrws .1111l 1:1.11-11 1111- -1 11 11: [11.1] Peace Day celebrations 1111 M11}- 1.\'. \1l121 h 11.1 app-111ml 11111:1l years ago as one 1'11~ 11111' "11111111111111l 13.11 . " Again thanking 1-1111. 1 .1111 wry 11111i1;1"\' \1Ht's. lx ‘. 1'1 i" l‘iw‘t‘utix'c $t1'11tnfx (i Your invitation of March so is duh 1111.111l. 1 12:1. able to be present but l1ear1il_\' '\\l'l] 1111 5.51»? 111111 -1 111 13111 meeting. Such gatherings as this \xiil 1111 .1. . over the United States. The principle 11f arhitmtihn has 11.111113 1'1"" is most needed now is the C(lllt‘iti'iwtl 1»! :l.1 necessity for the practical applicatiwn 11f thr p ‘:' whclming popular support and early ~»1:v111 ' merit is assured. Please present my r11 With best wishes, I am. faithfully yours. \'\' t'tzth r1vgiilar session of the executive committee of th11 l'rrw l11l-‘rai‘ion of Workingmen of l'orto Rico, held April 111 11. 11.4111, :11 the 8:111 Juan city, was elected delegate to the Second .1-‘1‘11-11111 l'11;1«‘1- CUTIQYPR rinr brother, John ]. Fitzpatrick, 11111 I 1:1, .\. l1, 111' L. for Chicago, Ill. -. h «deed in View I have the honor to request you .:1 .2 11 1» 111' 111:1- Free Federation of Workingmen of Porto lx'im to 1:1 ; "i/~: our brother john Fitzpatrick as our represen.11 l1 tore Second National Peace Congress. \\ 2th ltizivl reqardg I remain fraternally yours, RAFAEL ALONSO, 131111. 1l1-l thirst-in Ejecutivo de la Federaeion Libre de los lrahairiih in 4. Hi murse l shall be very glad to have my name go on the 1,1ttl-1- 1111 ln‘rrnational Socialism, as you suggest. I hope, it 1.1.11] he I‘O>~llJlC for me to attend the Conference in t I, 5.711 1.1", President The A1111 rican ll12-1 :11111 \ «111:1111 i1 "e cannot let pass the r-piwrtiinitx' 11 .11 1:111.1 111‘ 111:: complete and profound sy111p:1th_1.' 11.1111 1l11~ purpiia». 111' tl11 Congres It has been a source of Illllt‘ll graiith :uiwn (11 the livt firms to know that the internatirmal \\'11I'l\' r-f 111111» 1' 1'.1ll1,....1__1 le't'Itl disasters. in which it has actively partiripahw l . l1.1~ 111::1rzl1'1t1-1l to the strengtheningr of ties of friendship and 111111111l \11::',1:1th1.' between the United States and Ulllt‘!' 11'1‘i1111~. li1 1h» 11111:;1'1‘1211i1 we may refer to the hurl. r-f the Ainvrirai: lx'wl 1'111~ 111 ltal‘x Chili, China, Russia, Japan and iitlm‘ 11111::111'31-1 'l‘1111 pvi~iti11i of the Red Cross upon the question mi 11 :11‘1- 1111111111; the 11:1ti-1i1s was clearly defined by the official (lt‘li'tf11111 :1 It'itfwtkt‘ftiillfl 1l11‘ .United States in the Geneva Contention 11f 1111.111, when it plzmwl itself on record unequivocally in favor of ii1ternziti~11q1l le'lrl' tration, \Vith the most Cordial wishes for the sum 1-" 111' tl11- (1111141012 . we beg to remain Very respectfully. Tina A '17! im‘xx l\'l!>(‘|t11~;\, l'1\' l‘:h‘.\'t"l l'. 111111111. National llirri‘tnr .1\'11111‘i1'::!1 lied 1‘ r11", 'l :11» 1111:1121ti11n of the public to the shame and waste of war 1‘ :1 (rt-:1: \\11tl-,£11‘11l l \\l>l1)",‘vll all possible success in your efforts. Verv sincerely yours, I JOHN SPARGO. ' 111r n11te, and I shall certainly be very glad to become sm at the :1 tilt'tttlw‘r 111' the C1.1n1.rnit1ee on International Sociali ly the entire inter- Suciiiirl National l‘eaee Conference. Certain of the Congress. natinnal 1;:111'e111e11t s .pathizes with the purpose Yours faithfully, ROBERT HUNTER. will not permit l :1'1 Litly rvu‘rtt that important engagement ational Peace meeting acceptance 11f lEHZICtIlHI] to at [dress Intern JOHN MiTanLL. .\l:1j.' .1. , _ to thank of April 19, desire lx'cph in;r tn \11ur esteemed fave, r of your Rational Peace t men unce anna an I inc i ing i \1111 1-! r send . Cniigi‘ess‘. itv to be present as expressed regret very keenly my inabil I in my other letter. |