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Show Ill-1.111, 0 Y1} NATIONS (Written for the 5111-01111 Na1111nal Peave Congress by Rev. Frederivk L. Ilosnier.) INTRODUCTORY NOTE 111131". 111:11'. 0 ye Nations. and, hearing. obey '1'111- 1-ry 1111111 the past and the, call 111' today! 1111 \1e:11‘1cs:11111 "astes 111111 11111 fresh lit'e outpourcd, The glut 111‘ 1111- cannon. the spoil ut‘ 11111 sword. A new era opens. transcending the 11111, 11 calls for 111111 leaders. for new 12111115 enrolled; l‘rmn \\ ar's "rim tradition it maketh appeal To sen 11-1; 111‘ 1111111 111 :1 11111111 ‘5 1'11111111111111‘11a1. The "1111\111‘8 afield. in the mill and the 1111111, 111 returneree. in e1111111-11. in 31-111111-11 and 1111, 3111111 111111;: of their 1 Its and 111;;11111111 ereate The 111:11111'1111111t'e of the fii‘in-linililed State. And more shall the triumph of right 111171 wrong to shield 111 the weak 111111 a curb 111 the strong, 11111111 1'r11111sr11 pretails and, the 11:11tlertl‘1 ; Inrled, The High 1 unit of .\:11111115 gives Law 111 the world. And t1111n. 1'1 my t'uunti'y, from man}- niade 1111c, Last-111111 11t'th11 11111111118. at 111111111111; Thy sun, Arise 11- 1111- place thou art giyen 111 till, And lead the worldtriuniph 01' peace and good will! WAR (Written for 11111 Stu-111111 National Peaee Congress 11y Ridgely Terrence.) 1 111-ar11 in the street 1110 (1111111111;' trouble of 1111111111113 111111115: The 111‘11111;_r lites are near and 1:11:11, and new the army 141111115, 11111 >1111111'1‘F. 11111 .s:11111r<. the 11.111111115111111 the brave; .\11d \111 rhall 1111\1- :1 \iettn'y and they shall 1111\13 a graVe. I heard 11111 11111111 trnnqvt-ts ery out around the sun, 51111111111 11) :- 11111111', the fight was lost and won. ('1111111,\ 1111 w 1111\111 :11111 listened. 1111:1111115r 11111101 them 11- 1111111111113 111 11111111111. and this the requiem: At the Arbitration and l"acc Congress in New York, in 1907, an invitation was extended by a group of Chicago delegates, including Miss Jane Addams, Dr. limil G. Hirsch and Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, to hold the next National 1‘cacc Congress in Chicago. . In November, 1908, the American 1‘eace Society, which initiated the New York Congi 55. sent its liiield Secre '11' Charles 111. lleals, to confer with the leading peace workers in Chicago. .'\n informal lunch, attended by the above named persons and Judge Julian \V. Mack, was held. ;\ skeleton General Committee was formed and many names were suggested. When some sixty members had heen secured a meeting was held. Decemher 111, at the City (11111. The advisatnlity 01 holding a Congress in Chicago in the 511111 of 19111) was carefully con- sidered, and. on motion of Key. \\. 1:.1-1a1't1111, 1). 1)., seconded by Judge Edward (7... 111111 Brown, it was voted that a National Peace Congress he held in Chica1 ), under the auspices of the American Peace Society, the entire expense to he provided for by the Chicago workers. Organization w .' effected by the election of Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones as Chairman of the [Executive Committee and Royal L. Melemly, Secretary. The American l'eace Society detailed Mr. 11111115 to assist in the work of organizing the Con- gress, 11011. J. M. Dickinson. General (‘111111s1‘1 1111' the Illinois Central Railroad, formerly Assistant Attorney General of the United Sta1es, ex-l'residcnt of the American llar Association. and Counsel for the United States before the Alaska Boundary Tribunal, was invited to act as President of the l‘eacc Congre s and accepted. Judge. Dickinson was almost immediately ap- pointed Secretary of \\'ar 11y l'residcnt Taft and was unable to 1111 111111‘1 11/11 11111111 111171 11111111,: Ix 11111111/ 01‘1‘1‘11'11'1111111. 7/11 1111111131 11111111 l'er/t [111111; 1/11' (1111 111(11'.\ 11/711111 is flown. N11 1 {1.1'11111 11711111 111111 111711111121. 11/111~.1]11111 1111_1/ (11mm? :111'11/1. 111/411! (/11 [1'1 11!, [111‘ 17111/ 111111" 5111111 "1111' 01171. be present at the Peace t.‘o11_qress, 11111115 111 'anaina at the time of its session. C1 unmittees for various purposes wcr~ appointed. 111 due time organization was completed as set forth in the lists 9 |