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Show IN 19 Ninth Session. Tuesday Evening. May 4 Eleventh Session, \X/ednesday Afternoon. May 5 .\Ii'.<n' HALL, ]"II\'I-‘, Arm‘s lii'mnxn, 8 <»‘(‘I.ooi<. ORCHESTRA WALL, 2 o‘CLoCK. "UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEG CS." INTERNATIONAL GREETINGS. l'r;r.srr+‘.M' Jtmx S. NULLICN. ni‘ Luke Yorml ('nllvgc, I'rtaxiiiing. Sui-myrimn Inrvturo~"TIm l‘viici'uliun of the \\'nrlrl." Mn, HAMILTUN 110m. Managing l‘jliitllr of Tim Indclnntlmt. rill" l S, I'. 1mm; Hulur I‘nivorsily, 'l‘exns. ‘nrvst l‘niwnitlvt - (‘IuIL Tenth Session, \Xi'ednesday i‘v'lot‘ning. May 5 01:1 iiixstm HALL, 9:30 o'l'mcn. i'flfHXlflSS SESSION AXI) ('(lXI‘ICIII-INI'I'. ()I-‘ I'liAI‘i? WORKERS. HUN. ICICHAim I‘..\i:'i‘ii<rr.n'r. .\I. (Z. Presiding. The i‘lirvigll Consuls lT‘Sitif‘llI in ('hit'ng'u "iii lm present :i'. this session :in spot-in] gunsts of the ('ungrt‘ss. Ailtlross~tknvw Jf)lI.-\.\N II111 ‘lClI my l-ii tIinnr)' IIIlIl I'li'nilmtt‘nliur)‘ m' Addressillox. HERMAN " I'Innipn‘wntinry n1 melt‘n. Adilress~DiL "'1' TIM; I-Ini'uy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotontinr'y at (him. Alitil'c <-.\Ii:. Ali'nnn .\III'UIII",I.L IXNN. I'mliiSi'Im' ul' tlm 'xl'liIHll I‘ImInwsy. Allilrc )Iit. K. MA'I‘SIIIVUIA. .Iuinmose ('unsui in I‘iiicngn, rolvi'vsr-nting the Imperial Jaininosr I‘ImI) ', \\':i<liingion, II. (I. Ailtlress~llia ii.\I.\lI.\N Kim'r. I‘mt'msni of )Iiiulni'n History in "in Univer- IIHN. Joslil‘ii B. )IUUI. . Justiro of Siiirruinc Court of Mir'ldgnii, l'rmiiling. sity nf Nni'wny. lion (if : Nun l'rosinlt‘nt I'crlvo Tvll'hillllltt‘, Anltlrcs History i'ur the Nobel ('nnimittl‘e of Norway. ' (lruim ('hriMinn Trzuis'l‘tinu of Bl 'illE‘" unti Alinptinn 0f Platform. :iInI of Adviser tlm Nutiunnl in i'nlitivnl A«l<lr(‘ss-II<7.\‘. i‘III'IIAIII) A. HALIIMEIIII. Swrumi-y ol' IIH‘ Intwrim‘. "The Mnlmnk Arbitrzilivm (,‘nnl'ercnve." Mn. N. (‘. I'iiimii's, of Lulm Muilhnk, New York, SL'CFCtile. "Slim? 1'0an (Innur W's-POMIIS'YIHUIiu Is J‘:XIIP}'iPIIL‘€. '7 .\II:. HI: ' t'. .\'lL of York. Pennsylvania. "A Pl‘l'lllll‘nl‘llL Peace 1) Ivsu in Now York." Mix. \\‘ii.i.i.-.M II. 51mm. "'I'Im Pllcifil‘ Coast Agent t‘llliYC Swretziry of the New York Pence Society. VVecinesday Evening. May 5 AUInTtnumi AND AI‘DITORIIIM AKNI-LX HOTELS. BANQUET (IIVICN RY TIll'Z (‘III('.\(i() AHSW'IA'I'IUN OI" 1'0.\I.\II‘II2' Ii. Addresses-By some of the spmkt‘rs of the Afturntmn SUSSIUH :unl ' Ilux. IIICH \niv A. IZALIJMII-ZK, Sori'utzu'y of the illit‘l‘ii'l'. Mn. Ronmr‘ C. Hour, 01' Los Angnlos, California, Pacific Coast Agent 01‘ the American Peace Society. "I‘lw Inierrmlln "rte I'vzit‘c Association." I\Ii:. Grimm}: I-‘i‘iK. nl' (urn) Hnrilo7 Illinois, Senretnry. "Thu London I'I‘nce ('ongrwS of NUS." REV. .l. L. THYON, n! Ilnx‘mn. 3ins$llhilll$elt$ Assistant Secretary n)" the Allicril'llll Peace Society. "'l‘lit- Amvrirlzm Sulmnl l‘eru-e Lezlgnv." M s: l‘.«.\',\'1i: 151 {N ;\I\'I)I:l'l‘ "'I'Im I‘ni\ nrsul l'ezitr‘ I'niun. " ul‘ Boston, Secretary. Mn ALII'J'ZI) lI. LU'i'lz. "1‘ PiliilltiPipilifl, President. "The I‘vnve Smitty of Jztpun, " IIIA‘. GILBERT llon‘m‘x. of Tukiu, Japan. llox. it'lt‘llAlili ii.\1l‘l‘ll0l M, M. k‘. HUN. .IAMlzs A. 'I‘.\w.\'i:\', .\I. (Z |