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Show 357 356 A delegate moved that said motion be laid upon the table. The motion was duly seconded and prevailed, and the resolution was laid upon the table. MR. MrLi Nln': Although I have, made this announcement frequently that opportunity would be given. l have also announced a very full program for this morning. and l therefore move you that the executive kcasion oi thi~ Congress he closed within five minutes, and that the program be then taken up. Mr: hltlendy's motion was duly seconded and prevailed. The following resolution "as then presented by Rev. Jenkin Lloyd _]lill(‘_\. ak follows: mm ‘1 The t'ongrtss dt \ll't\ to record its high appreciation of the worlt‘ done and doing by the American l‘caee Society \vithout \\li(i\(' imitative (‘t‘rntimirvtts cowpcration and generous support this (‘onert x~ (.‘Hltltl not have been. The Chicago members of this congress (lt'KtH' to ttrstiiy to the especial service rendered to this (Lynne-k by the ure‘ie-s \tori. of the Field Secretary of the '\Ill(‘]l(‘:tll l‘earv Soritti. thr lx't-y. (:harles Beals. and we llI'lt‘liV pleiltlc «nit‘ summit to this society and its future work. l'pon motion duh illlttlt and seconded. the resolution offered by lx'tv, ltnion Lloyd _lont~ \\:i~- carritd. Mb" Ame. ll. lit‘ludrii. l‘imtrin. preiacing‘ the offer by a :m It‘lzlilliw. Wood the jhlrigjld'll oi tla .. Amine resolution relative to the ‘ Sword National l‘eace Congress. held in \lz'r . ft iron. (Hlf‘lll‘\t‘tl of delegates from states, "3;" Ha . _- ' . ‘ itt‘r\‘tt‘l* oi the Hague conventions be respect- in \ ituinestetlt Lace on the n'oeraio oi the Thin 'rr - iii-ttw‘e tlzt ‘lillliClfl t-i tllt' \Uillti petition to the il‘liiikiduilgjiie tulllt lt't‘t‘t', ole 'it as iollo\r~: h ‘lhe tho till oi a ll!ll‘.'§‘l'>ttl law. by \\hich a decision ~ lililll‘n." l l‘llt'l'1iltll4il.t!l difficulty shall, in no case. "tl the sift pre-ervaiio-i and development. i. e.. the vital " ,. 'v nath n. Mild\iiii‘.(..i:...ii;]:.ini,1 .,.i.:...‘if irar by rt-Qulatingv in speed)' \lh t‘t‘Wlw). ' . .. . each \i‘nh t illVC insurme‘ .. txis h} (onventions and treaties, vacihc stttlcinent of any difficulty that HliH' ill'lfik' ll‘tilll r-Itltl Ill‘rilllgk'lllt'lllfi. The committee suggested to be as follows: llon. Richard Bartlloldt. M. C., chairman; llon. Robert Treat l‘aine, ldein Ginn. Esq. ; Anna .13. lickstein. Miss Ecltstein moved the adoption of the foregoing reso- lution. A delegate raised the point of order that the executive session oi the Congress had then closed by limitation of time, and the Chairman sustained the point. Thereupon Dr. 'lfrnchlood moved that the time of the execu- be extended for ten minutes. uhich motion prevailed. session tive Rev. JENKIN laovn _lo.\'r. : We are havingr the experience of every convention of this kind at its close. from the desire oi people to project their theories and Stump speeches in the form of resolutions. lih rd llasgne ('onitrent‘e: Aha/43nd. ‘_ i "new t 3. Settlement by paeilic means of all difficulties arising from any international interest not yet covered by convention or treaty with pacitic clause. Result-ct]. That the l'resident oi this Congress appoint a committee, \vhose duty shall he to forward this resolution to the signatory powers of the Hague eonventitms. either direct. or through mediation of the Permanent Hague. Tribunal. Respectfully submitted by, ANNA ll. JCCiis'rieiN. 30 Neyvbttry Street. liack lay, Boston. ' This is a large This problem \\lllCl1 this tongrcss has sat upon for three days: and Resolutions on Committee the before been has resolution fairness they have had to exclude it by simply the sitilie law of l which has placed a limitation on other I‘t‘stilltlitnts otl‘ercd. table the upon laid be resolution the that move accordingly JUIMili Ti. 0. llnowx: is l second that motion. The essence of that rexolntion embodied in our platform. The petition may be forwarded. under; aeeordincr to Miss lickstein's wording. if she can make us stand it CHAIRMAN Moonn: The motion is not debatable, The question was then put on the motion to lay the resolution mono nmmvl |