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Show 411 ~17 M11. 1311:1\1..~: After the reference 111111111 11v Mr. Head 111 the "ml 111' the funerican 511111111 l'tare 1.1111 1‘ 1. 1 21111 sure all 111‘ _v1111 r1111 have a special pleasure 111 listening 111 the ure‘anizer and seerttarv 11f that 11:" 11211111111. (1111‘ second speaker is Mrs. 1"."1111111' 1:01‘11 Andreas. the secretar} 111' the .‘1111er1ean 51‘1111111 1'eaee League. (Applause. 1 great seetinns 111 the cwunt'. and although the Le: '11: has heen organized 11111 live or six 1111111111s. 1 think we can sately say that this subject has been ennsidered h_v<1ver 11ne hundred large educa- tional gatherings. state ass1'1c1ati11ns. e111111t_v ass11c1atie1ns and teach‘ era" institutes. 'l'he1neinh1rs 111 that enintnittee are 111r1stly super- intendents 41f >C111)('1.\' and direct111‘s 111 teachers‘ institutes. (Jur seemntl e11111mittee. which has 111 view the spreading of 1111s 11111ve111ent and also the specific e11ucati11nal phase 11f this movement, is the l'ress Conunittee. The American School Peace League 111,4. lT.\.\‘.\‘11:l71:11N Axnurns. 1 11111111 111' all the inspiratinn 1 have received 111 11111115: this \1'111'11. this 111eeting is perhaps the hest, 11 is heantiiul and it shmvs \\ hat the children can 1111. Mr. Mead 112s: given 11s an idea 111' 1111111 the teachers can do. 11111111141111 lle has "ven 11s a very engent (1tttline 111' 1111: 11111111311 march of events 111 international peace inuveznents. There is a great sneial 211111 1'1‘11111111111‘ hate that is 1111c1111>e111usly drawing the interests 111 the 1121111111s 11111) 111.1e l1ar111111111.111s whole. The t\n1eriean School 1'1‘ace League is interested 11111 1.1111)‘ 111. the turnard march (11 e\‘e111~. hut alm in this great ec1'111111111c 11111ve111e11t and this social 11111ven1e11t, 11 is 111 the s1:h1_111l< that we can get at it hest. The Peace League aims to acquaint all the teachers of this 011111113 "1111 all these threes that are \\4)X‘l{lllQ‘ tmvai‘ds world peace. ()111' tir~t great harden. as )‘1111 all 11:11‘ 1» 111 aerluaint the live hundred tl‘;1'111~:t:111 teachers :11 the 1‘11111'11'1: 115111 thes' (1‘ '2 threes. 111 the 111;" cities the teachers 1:1111v.‘ 11.1111‘1111111111 115111211: 11111 1111 ptrhaps 111 5:111:1- 111 the smaller 1111 . (.1111 1 was goingr 111 >113 1'1 the scattered stz1te~ 111 the 11 21111, "111.literature seems 111 111' sent 111 1111.111. \Vt have arrang 1 great deal of '\ . ‘1 . > . 1 . tht. \11 11\ 1111111 11111111 .: 11 . 111111111411' c111:".:.1 tt (11111 we have organized 11v<1 1‘1'111111111113es 1311' that 1 1111'])H>L‘. The first is the (.111111111111‘1-1111 Meetntes 111111 lJisettssiOnF. the ohieet 111 that Cotl‘l' nuttee . ‘ 111-1111\1 111 induce educational uatherh res. educati nnal assrr C12111r111-. 111 take ~111ne part 111 their progra m for the consideration 111' the suhiert 111 intu'nalimnal pear. t11 consider what relation 1111s 11111ver11ent l1ear~ 111 the teaching111151 11111111 111 the schools. \1. e 11111 e 1111 that ewznznittee represe11tativ e» from all the It is 1111111111st 111 some duzen (11‘ were leading educational editors 111' the country. and the 1st of May they released an article on the Celebration of the Hague l)a_v. the 18111 (11' .\la_v. 111 the scl111111s. That article has gnne to more than 11111 hundred 111:1gazi11es 111 the 1‘11111111'1'. and \\e have the 111:11111script {111‘ articles that will he produced 1111111111 after 1111111111, 511 in that way tl111se 11111 c11111- 111ittees are 1111111111;r 111 get the suhject presented, and 1 11111111 all of yen can realize what an in1pr11‘tant thing it is 111 reach every. 11(111)‘: 11111 111 reach merely thuse \v11<1 have an 111111111‘1111111}' 111 e11n1e 111 111eeti11g's 111111 \11111 have 1‘ec111n'se 111 literature. 11111 111 reach the teachers \1'1111 have never heard 111 it. and 1 11111111' 1111111 the t‘1\t‘respnndence l have heen receiving that 1111111) teaehers never have heard 0111. A1511. heing praetieal teachers «air-elves interested 111 this movement. we realize that we must 1111 eunstrnt‘tive \\'url(. and that 111 order 111 get the teachers 111 1111\e it up we must give them practical helps \vhieh they can use directly 111 the sehrml mum. and we have therefure 1111111111'11 tlnee general li11es111 \1'111‘11 which (1111‘ e<1n11nittees s1111t1lrl talte 11p. 'l'ht' lii'sl is the 1'111)lit'(1111111s C11111111ittee. which aims 111 pnhlish either directly 111‘ indirertly a series Hf puhlit‘atinns' that can he used 111 the sehrml 11111111 111 the literarv class. \\'e are 1111111111114 111' 1'111111111111g spellers which will 0111121111 :1 111111111111‘ 111 111:1s11ns \11111'11 hriner «1111 1111‘ peaee [1t1111tt1f view. Our c111nn1ittee is alsu \1'111'1111111'111111' 11114111111111 new sung 111101; (‘111111isti1igg‘11l 1111- «11115111 the present time which illustrate this sentiment. and it 1~Ztl>1|*~llltl!11(tllll;;‘ the "1111111.; <11‘1111wt1nes. 1111111". "1‘ have 111 this 1'111111111111-1- several :111111111‘s 111' children's several ~11per111tr111111111a 111 >t'11'1t111 and t\1.11 111' three 1111‘1-1'1111's 111' music 111 the 11111111 1111111, 1111- 1111111 1‘ 111 put practit‘al helps directlr 111111 the t 1 11'1'511111111‘» 111st :1» 1111-]. have 11111111 111 111111711 |