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Show 34 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. provides that the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Company and the Dakota Central Railroad Company shall have, respectively, the right to take and use prior to any white persou and to any corpora-tion, the right of way, etc., provided for in certain agreements heretofore . . made by said railroad companies, respectively, with the Sioux Indians, which agreements hare been referred to in previous annual reports of this office. Snudry conditions are imposed,for the particulars of which - reference is invited to the act itself which will be found on page 449 of this report. The agreements referred to may be found in Senate Ex. Doc. No. 20, Forty eighth Congress, first session, and House Ex. Doc.. ' - No. 11, Forty-eighth Oongress, first session. I ' The act of March 2,1889, can not take effect until Oongress shall have ratified the agreenient recently negotiated with the Sioux under section 3 of the Indian appropriation act, approved March 2, 1889 (25 Stat., 980). . . Forest City and Watertown Railroad Company.-The aot of March 2, 1889 (25 Stat., 852 and page 446 of this report), grants the right of way to the Forest City and Watertown Railroad Uompany throagh the , - Sioux Indian Reservation? in Dakota, beginning at a point on the west bank of the Missouri River in Dewey Oounv, Dak., opposite Forest City, Potter County, said Territory, running thence by the most prac-ticable route in a southwesterly course between the Cheyenne and Mo-reau Rivers to t.he city of Deadwood, Dak. Authority was given the'railroad company, April 11 last, to proceed ' with the survey of its line through the reservation, and at last accounts the survey was in progress.' The maps have not yet been filed, nor has any action been taken to procure the required.oonsent of the Indians. INDIAN TERRITORY. Choctaw Coal and Railway Comp(cny.-By the act of February 13, 1889 (25 Stat., 669 and page 429 of this report); the first section of the act of February 18,1889 (25 Stat., 25), granting the right of way to the Chootaw Coal and Railway Company through the Indian Territory, is amended to read as follows: That the Choctaw Coal and Railway Company, acorporetion created underand by virtoe of the laws of t,he State of Minnesota, be, sndthe same is hereby, investedaad empowered with the right of locating, constructing, owning, equipping, operating, osing, snd maintaining a railway and telegraph and telephone line through the In-dian Territory, beginning st a point on the Red itiver (the southern boundary line) st the bluff known as Rocky Cliff,in the Indian Territory, and running thence by the most fessible and practieehle route through the said Indian Territory to m point on the east bonndsry line immediately contiguous to the west hoyndary liiie of the . State of Arkansss; also a branah line of railway to bs oonetructed from the most suitable point on said mainline far obtaining s, feasible and practicable route in a westerly or northwesterly direction to the leased coal veina of ssid Chootaw Coal and Railway Company, in Tobucksey County, Chootaw Nation, end thence by the moat feasible ,led praoticable route to an intersection with the Atchiaon, Topeka. aud Sants |