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Show C O N T E N T S REPORT OF COMMISSIONER . . ........................................ .................... Psga Introductory l... 3 Indian Bdncation ............................................................ 4 Sohool employ6s ........................................................ 4 Boarding schools off fromresarvations ..................... ..I ........... 6 The outing system ...................................................... 6 The higher education of theIndians ..................................... 8 Returning to the reservation ............................................ 8 New school buildings .................................................... 8 Indnstrial teaohera ..................................................... : .9 Number of soboola, attendance of pnpils, eta ... ; ......................... 9 Table 1 . Nuhlbcr of schools, capacity, enrollment, end average itten- danoe of pupils, number of employ6s, and cost ..................... 9 Table 2 . Training schools and schools especially appropriated for, ' capacity, attendance of pupils. cdst, eto ............................ 10 Table 3 . Enrollment and aversge attendance at aobools from 1887 to 1689 .............................................................. 10 Table 4 . Number of schaolsmd average attendanae from 1882 to 1889 . 11 . Miaoellanebus mitvrs : Fsrmers ................................................................ 11 Physioians ................................. : ............................ 12 . Hospitals ........ :.. .................................................... 13 Allotments of landin severalty ......................................... 1. 14 Lands for non-reservation Indians ........................................ 18 . Commissions ............................................................ 19 The Indianerimes s e t. .................................................... 24 Conrts of Indian offenses. ......... r ..................................... 26 Indian police ........................................................... 27 Interpreters for Indians I. ................................................ 28 Indian traders ........................................................... 30 Qrasiog upon Indian lands .............................................. 30 Railrosds ................................................................ 32 Depredation claims .................................... ...A ............. 49 Table 5 . Number of depredation claims an hand and received since Jone 30 . 1885 ..................................................... 43 Tabla 6 . Nnmber of depredation claims disposed of since Jnne 30,1885 . 43 Rednotion in the number of ageneiea .................................... 46 Indian finances ......................................................... 49 Table 7 . Appropriations for 1k88-'89 and 1889-'90 .................... 49 Table8. Unexpended balances of pern~anenfto ~ldas vs i l~bl feo r 18RE'R9 1 and 18d9-'90 ........: . .............................................. 5 1 Table 9 . Troat funds held st commencement of 1888-'89 and l+89<90 . 51 9692 IND-I . - - P .- P - . ~ - P . . . .- . -~ |