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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 35 FB Railwey,at the most coiveoient point between Halifax Station rsoa Ear Creek, otherwise known as the North Fork of the Candiian River, with the right to con-struct, nse, end maintdn suoh tracks, turn-outs, braoohea, sod sidings and extensiqns as sitid compsug may deem it in their interpat to aonstruct along and upon the right of way and depot grounds herein provided for. Under date of July 5, 1889, Hon. T. C. Fletcher, a t torne~fo r said 1 . company, filed four separate maps (in duplicate) of definite location of said company's road; also a copy of t,he articles of incorporation and s list of the officers of the company, both duly certified by the secretary of the company. On July 11,1889, the Department approved ]nap No. 1, being one Of the four mentioned above, representing a section of 25 milea of the located line of said railroad from Seo. 35, T. 12 N., R. 3 W., to Sec. 4 T. 11 N., R.2 E. Maps 2 and 3 were transmitted to the Commissioner of the General Land Office for the action of that office, for thereason that that portion of the line covered.by said maps (2 and 3) does not pass through any Indian lands. Map No. 4 was returned t,o Mr. Fletcher for correctlou.-(Department letter to this office of July 11, 1889.) On August 31, 18Y9, the Department approved map No. 9, indicating a section of 25 miles from ('near station place on Dear Creek" to LC John Adams Prairie?' Said map does not connect with maps previously filed (Nos. 1,2, 3, and. 4), but covers a portion of the right of way 100 miles east of the section covered by map No. 4, returned for correc-tiou, as before stated. In filing this map (No. 9), the company's man-ager observes that the company "is constructing its liues from the orossiugs of its different railway connections east and west, in order that it may secure material for said construction at both ends of its line, and thus facilitate the rapid completion of the same," and that when map No. 4 shall have been corrected, and maps 5, 6, 7, and 8 filed, "there will be a continued and connected line." Port Smith, Paris and Dardanelle Railway.-The act of .February 26, 1880 (25 Stat., 745, and page 435 of this report), grants the right of way to the Fort Smith, Paris and Dardanelle Railway Company to eon- 1 struct and operate a railroad, telegraph, and telephone line from Fort Smith, Ark., through the Indirsn Territory, to or near Baxter Bprings, in the State of Kansas. The same act repeals the act of July 6,1886 (24 Stat., 124), authoriz-ing the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railway Company to con- , struct apd operate a railway through the Indian Territory. No maps of definite location have been filed by the Fort Smith, and Dardanelle ~ a i l w a y ~ o m ~ a n ~ nthned aebor v egrant, although the wmpany is authorized to survey and locate its line "immddiately after the passage of this act." BED PIP-TONE INDIAN RESERVATION IN MINNESOTA. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Palls and Northwestern Railway.-The act of March 2,1889 (25 Stat., 1012, and page 463 of this report), directs the |