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Show 588 PROPOSALS RECEIVED AND CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR SALT, SUGAR, TEA, ETC., FOR THE INDIAN SERVICE. 589 ABstract of propoaala redwed and contraots awarded in Nm Ymk City, under advartiwmmt of March 25, 1889, for fwmiairing supplies, @to.-Continued. LNo~m.-Plgorss in large tgps denote the r R k at which eontracts have been awarded; awPrds ram mads on aampmi~on of ssmph whioh nooompsnisd bids.] I I I I I l l I I SUGAPr. (Most be medium qnslity, granulated, 17 Moquia Sohoe1,Aes ................... 1,440 ............................................ 18 San Oarlor Agenay, Ariz ............... 40,000 ............................................. 19 Sonthem Ute Agenaa Colo ............ 4 000 ............................................. 20 J i o a~~lAl ag ency. N. M ~ X... ........... 10,OuO ............................................. 21 Narqo Axeocg.N.Xer ............... 2.000 ............................................. 22 Naahjo SoL,ol, N. Mer. .................................. Z.000 ............................................. 23 New Pork City. N.Y 920. 015 490,175 ................................ 24 500,OOU 500,000 ................................ TEA. (Oolong, soperlor ....... ...................................... . "~ 35 Navajo Agenoy and Sobool, N. Me* .... 100 ............................................. 30 New Pork City,N.Y .................. 8,100 8,100 ............................... 37 38 39 40 I I I I I I l l I I WHEAT. ildnst be No. 1 " Spriug " or "Winter," sound, 41 G r a d Juttation Sallool Cal ............ 2,500 ................... 2.03. ................. 42 Adee.Mont ......................... Z8,OUO .................. 2.33 .................. 43 Flathead A p n o ~M. ont ................ 20. I100 20;000 11.44 ............ 1.94 .... 44 NevndsA~e.ncy,N..e.v. ................................... . 1,000 ............................................ 45 Wadsworth, Nev 1,000 .................... 3.50 .................. N O aa m le a cm-lot ~e1;vem. b Sample No. I. c Sample No. 2. d Sompla No. & j Sample A or No. 1. 0 Sample C. k sample ~: rnN O. 2. p Sample D. 1 Snmple C or No.& 19?0.YIS poonda only. m Smple d: 500,000 pounds only. n h p b B. |