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Show ! REPORT 06 TIIE COMMIS8IONEE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 49 required to fiie an official bond i n the penal sum of $1,000. When this was effected, he was directed to receipt to Agent Stevens for the I I . school buildings and.medica1 property for which the latter was re-sponsible, and in this way the affairs of the agency were finally closetl. The abolishing of this agency was not recommended by the Depart-ment, nor was this office consulted in the matter. The wisdom of such summary action may be questionable but it is not probable that any serious embarrassment to the service will result, or that the Indians now leftto their own resources will suffer materially. !&ey are fairly advanced in civilization, and should be allowed all the privileges of citizenship and the protection of State law; and the State should also make provision for the education of their children. At present they have no educational facilities, but thex have been induced to send some of their children to Indian training schools, especially the school lo-cated at Oarlisle, Pa. INDIAN FINANCES. &ds available during thejE8oal bar8 1888-'89, and 1889-790.-The following statement shows the amounts that were appropriated by Con-gress for the Indian service for the fiscal years 1888-'89 and 1889-'90: Under the head of "Pulfilling treaties with Indian tribes, perma nent" are such specified sums as are required to be appropriated an-nually under existing treaties, either for a certain number of years or for an indefinite period. A number of treaties contain provisions for clothing, subsistence, agency and school employ6s, etc., to be furnishec! by the United States for a certain number of years, buc such provisions do not state speeific-ally the amount of money that must be appropriated. These amounts are annually appro xi mat el^ estimated by this office, and the sums so appropriated can be used only for expenditures incurred during the fiscal year for which the appropriations were made. The total sums so appropriated by Congress for the fiscal years 1888-'89 and 1889-'90 9592 IND-4 FdBIing tresties with Indian tribes, perma. nent ........................................... Pnlfilling treaties with Indian tribes, annnd .... Snpport of Indian tribes, grstoitiea .............. Sm ort of Indian achoola ....................... ~n%entaa~n d contingent expansea ............. Current expenses ................................ $1,001,215.50 1,65q 2M. 00 154,5W. 00 1,352,765.00 169,000.00 871,42-0.00 5,811.140.50 ............................................................ I. Net horease 272,710.87 $1,428,854.90 1,~5.796.84 r02.500.00 1,379,588.13 189,1)00.00 -8-18.3 31.50 8,083.851.37 $421,439.40 ....................... . 28,803.13 -....-..... ... 456 242.53 ............ $70,443. I6 ...5..2.,0..0.0...0.0 ......................... -5-9,08 850 181,531.86 |