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Show (I Hw applicaot been in por employments Em long was applicant emplored by goas when did spplio8ntleave yonremploy and for ahstmaeons Tho application must be a&ompaniect by two i'statAments"1led out by persons'who know the applicant, in which replies are given to the following qnestions: 7 w0dd YOU ~OnI'sdf trtlst .pplio&nt with em. plosment reqnir.ngundqobted honesty and w d d Jon rewrnrnsnd htm for soch to peraonnl eiendal 1 Are yon over 25 yearn of ages 2 Wbat is goor legs1 reaidenass (Give city or town, oonnty or pariah, and State.] Bow long have yon lived tharaI 3 Am yon well saqnainted nith the person nsmd %bevel 4 How long have yo0 known spplic&nt! 6 Aye yon xslakd to %ppIiemt! Whst ia the relationahQ 1 pliea for! 15 Have yon ever in the parformsnae of yool 0Sioie.l duty, kieited the soh001 tanght and managed by spplicmt I 10 Doea sp liaant now we m has appli-t bean in the%abit of naing intoxioatmg liqnoml 11 Ia sppliaant speraonof gmdm(11~1e hsrmter? What mom1 qualities does sppliosnt poaseadl la 18 applioant s person of gwd repote9 13 Doe%e pplioant oaseas sooh physi.4, mental, snd mord qn3itie.and have soch-hahita s*t will in oor opinioninsore inteU1lgmt fa'& fut sndrsifi~ienpt erfomaaas of the du!& of lhepoaition sought? 14 Are voo aware of any airoomstanaea tendhg to diow1ir11a p~lioantf or the position ap- 16 Please giveme yoor estimate of qnaK#wtitin(~ and pro6aienc.y of applicant on the fallow-ing poinr6: I 1. Ability and soooesa in msnsgem6nt snd 0ont*01 Of ~hildrer,. 8 Whst do an know of e pliaant's ednoetion a. Aptness to teooh. 1 49 di f icat i~nain oger raspecte for the poetlon applied for? 3. Peraonslappesanoeaadm-~~,wheth~ pleasing and athraoti~eo, r otherwise. 0 Whet hss hen the condition of applioant's 4. Disposition, foroe of ohanatex, dipnity ha&& sinee yoor aoqnsintmael and self-mtrol. Special stress is laid upon the moral fitness of the candidates, and, though no religions test is applied, those are preferred wbo +re able to exert a positive religion8 inflnence over their pllpils. BOABDINGI.SCHOOLS OFF FROM ~ESE'&VATIONS. The system of boarding.schools off from reservations, now in success-ful operation, is slowly but surely accomplishing revolntionary and desirable results. Children from different tribes are brought hgether hnder influences where all tribal differences disappear. They learn to respeot each other, and are prepared for association together as fellow-aitizens. They hear and nse only the English language, are removed from the contaminatiug influences of camp life, become aocnstomed to the usages of civilization, and are trained to habits of industry, thrift, and self-r?lidnce. TEE OUTING SYSTEX:' I quote from the American ~ i t i z e np art of an article writ& by Mr. H. M. Jenkins, an intelligent and experienoed observer of the prac-tical workings @th. e system : The plan of " plao~ngo ut" the young men and young women from the Indian aohools millnteined by the Government has now been in operation for more than ten years, and haaacqaired, both es to the members so placed and as to the measore of saocess realized, proportions which oau not be questioned. The Indian is capable of sust~ine.3, systematio labor. He is a good worker. He has traitsofhia own, hut he has the general charsateriatics of mankind. Where he differa from the white man the points of difference are not all to his disoredit or his disadvantage. The,inheritanee |