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Show -. ,.,.,,~, , __- .- . ~~ ~ , . . . ., . . I : % . . . . ' REPORT OF; THE CO~IRI I IONERO F ~ D I A NI L F FM~ 31 latedprice to be paid by the owners of the cattle to the United Statas Indian agent for the benefit of the tribe. ' The agreement submitted to andaccepted by the Indians, ana now in force npon several reservations, is substantially as follows : (1) The general quest,ion of per~nittingc attle-grazing npon the nnoc-cnpied lands of the reservation to be submitted to the Indians for their consent or rejection. (2) In theevent of their couseot, the agent to be authorized to per-mit a Iimitccl uumber of cattle to be grazed on the reservation ~ n d i - tionally, as follows : (a) That such a permit be given only to actual settlers residing in the neighborhood of the reservation, and for their own cattle. (b) That a fair and just compensation shall be paid to the agent by the owners of the cattle for the use and benefit of theIndiaus. (o) That all moneys received for grazing shall he deposited by the agent in the Treasury of the United States, in accordance with the act of March 3,1883 (22Stat., 590), and thereafter to be used for the beneflt of the respective tribes, as provided in the act of March 2, 1887 (24 Stat., 463). (a) That no exclusive privilege of grazing lands be granted on the reservation, nor any act done looking to a lease or agreement for a lease of any particular portion of said lands. (e) That all permits shall be for the grazing season only, and sub-ject to revocation at any time by the Department. (f) That no responsibility for the cattle shall in any way attaoh to the United States or any of its agents, nor shall any permit be given which shall retard'or interfere with the agricultural or other industrial parsnits of the Indians, individually or collectively, nor shall the stock belonging to the be deprived of ample pasturage. Neither shall the owners of cattle or sheep erect any improvements wbat~oever on the reservation, nor use the lands for any other purpose than for the grazing of their own stock, under penalty of the immediate revocation of the permit. (g) That subject to the above specified conditidns, the whole matter shall be controlled by the agent, who shall see that good order prevails upon the reservation, and in case of any infraction or violation of said condition shall.report the names of the offenders for the immediate revocation of their permit and the removal of their stock. (h) That where herders may be needed to care for the atock, Indians' shall be employed as far as practicable, and no white person he per-mitted to come upon the reservation except temporariiy, at such times as in the judgment of the agent it may be necessary for him to look after the condition of his stock-the nemsaity for such visits and the circnmstances attending them .to be reported to this office. Several Indian tribes have refused to take cattle under these condi-tions, for the alleged reason that the grazing money was not to he paid to |