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Show 57 [ 174 J of ~hmbs . with n. solitary dw:nf pim·, it it' cutirl'ly uarc. Every where within six o~· 'ight feet of _tlH· n-rot~ntl, w.ltrrc tl1r ~urfac<' is uil1<'iC!ltlr 5111notlt, :wd m some places st>.ty or ctgllty !eel above, the rock is inscriiH•u witll the ll:.llllCS Of lf:l Vl'JJcr~. l\1 <lll)' l\ lli.l.ll1C famous ill the hi~tory of thi::COillltl'y, ami some well kuowu to scir llce, a.rc to be round mix<·tl amon~ those l1f the tr:ttlcrs autl of travel! •rs ftH' plca::-ttrc autl ruriosity,autl of tui::-sionarics n.mong the snvages. St me of these haV<' been wa, ht>d away by the nun, but tile greater lllHIJhcr arc till very lcgthlc. Tltc position ol thi rock is iu lo11gitlltle 107° 56', latitude 12° ~n· :w". We n•nwi11l'd at our camp of Augu:::( lst lllitil tloon of the ucxt day, occupied in dryin gmcnL. By observntiou, tile lollgitlllle or the place is 107° 25' 2!3" lntitud~· 4 ~ 0 ~ I)' 5 (j, •. .August 2.-F ive miles abov Hock ItulC'penth·ucr Wl' came to a placP c:lllcd the Dcvil's Cal<', wllne the Swct'l \Vater euts through the point 01 a granite rid3C· Tile lctlgth or the pass~\ Qe is about three hutHlreu ynn.b, aud the width thirty-five yards. The wall ' of rocl, are Vl'l'tical aml about four hunurrd fert ill height; and the stream 111 tile gate is almost entire!} choked up by m:1s e wlliclt have fall eu from o.hov . ln the wall, 011 tbt• right bank, i!'i a <.like oC tr,,p ro<..:k, cutting throU!;h a fi11e-graincd gray o-ranitc. Ncar the point of this ridge crop out some strall\. ol' the valley formation, consisliug of a grayi h micaceuus sandstone, a1Hl fint> -grn.inctl conglomerate, anu marl. We ellcampcll eight lUil '!:' above the Devil's Gate, of which a view is given in the annexed plate. There was no timber of any kinu on the ri v 'r, but good fu·c:'l were maLl' of drift wood, aid eel by tile bois de vache. vVe had to-night 110 shelter from the rain, which COllltnCllC d wit! sqtmlL' of wind ahuut unset. The couJ.try here is excccuillgly picturesque. On either side of the vall('y, which is four or t1vc miles broad. the mountains ri,e to tile height of twclvo and fdreen ltut1clreu or two thon,and feet. Ou the south side the rano-e appears to be titnbL·reu, anu to uight i lumitJnus with fires-probably tile work of the ludians, who · have jn:::t passcu through t h ' valley. Ou the north, hrokc11 allu grn nitc mnsscs ri ·e abruptly from tht' green swnrd of the river, temtinating in u line of broken surrnHit:::;. Exct'pt in the crevic<·s o[ tl!n rock, n.ml l1cn.: aut.l there on a ledge or bench of' tile moutttaiu, where a fow hardy pine~ have clustered tog~· ther, these are pcrft'ctly hare allU de titl'ltc of V<'gctation. Among the. e masse~. wherC' there arc sometitlH'S isolateu !tills awl ridges, green vallt>ys open in u pou the ri vcr, w lw~ll sweep!) the base of tllt'se lllOtlllt:tilJS for thirty- ·ix milt'S. 8very wlwr0 its deep verdu1e antl profusion of beautiful flowers is in pi ·asing coutrnst with the stcriiL• gramlettr of the rock ,tlld the ba.rWlllleSs of' th sauuy pJaill, Wilich, from ~he right UUllk of t.ltc river, sweeps llj> tO thO lllOlltllaitl r<tllge tJt.at f~>rll~S Jts southcr11 botuluan·. The gn•at evaporation ott t~lC sa11dy !-;Oil o! tilts elevated pJai11, and IIIC s<tline.._ eiiJurt' :-;CelH'l'' wlJit:h whitCll the crrOIIlld. aud. slJiue like lakes rdl<;ctiug th • sun, make a soil wholly unrLt for cult ivatJOH . .!lugust 3.-We were early on the road till: next mnrniug, travelling n.loug the Hplalld pt~rt of the valley, wlliclt is overgrown with urtemisia Scattereu about on tile plaiu are t>Ccnsiounl small isolat •d hill~. Orte of these which I exami11ed. abont. fifty feet hig-h, cousi::,tcd oC white clay anJ ruarl, iu nearly horizontal tratu. Several banus of bnll'alo made their ap- |