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Show [ 174 J 494 ~ECOND l'~NCAMPMENT ON STANI LA 1T JUVBR. / ) c/erm u· w 1W· I 1 r>'·J~ 'lrtlitude , Jl/(l'rrh. :~ 1, l S41-allitur/P,~ of Polaris. OBSEJlVATfO~S. Douhk altittHkH of Polan:-;. {)('~. Jn/1/. n 46 73 41 1;3 44 73 43 7:3 4 :l 7;3 11 73 tiO '13 39 n :3\> 73 3 srt. 00 50 25 26 10 15 40 411 00 10 lnd<'X error + 10 Ace. Tim~ of rhronomrter. /,, 1/Ll/1 , S('l'. 8 011 57 06 12 0~ 00 09 15 1 I 23 12 23 13 45 15 lfi 16 I'H ] 7 :37 HF:SITLT OF < ALC ULATION. -- Tru altitmk I I "\t( ean tum . Latitude. - ~-- I lJeg. /IIIli . Sf('. h min. ::~ec. Dr{!,. min. 1 tj I, }' 46 42 ~0 :} 'i 15 sec. 43 "E:NCAMPMENT 0~ A LAnGE TRIUUTARY TO BAN JOAQUIN RIVER. Determination r~j'/,aliltulr', .llpril 8, 1844- altiL'U.des of Polaris. 0 n · .Ell V A'I'lONS. I>onblt• nltitudc:-; of Poluril'l. Time of chronometer. lhg. mm. .~cc . h. nLtll. sc.c. 7:l 35 30 7 09 09 73 34 iJO 10 14 73 33 45 1 1 27 73 32 00 12 55 73 32 00 14 07 'l:l 31 00 15 12 73 30 16 16 14 73 29 30 17 31 73 28 25 19 14 73 '27 20 20 23 Index rror + 15 sec. RESULT OF CALCULATION. True altitude. M<'an time . Latitude. Deg. mi11. sec. 36 41 32 Deg. min. su. 37 22 ()6 h. min. uc. 7 47 16 - 495 [ 1711 ] p, NOAMPMENT 0.1\ A LA Hr.}~ TIHBl;TAH \ TO HAN JOAQUIN RIVER. Determiwtlion of lont; ilurle, .Jlpril 3, 1 .~4 •1 -o // it utlts of ./Jrc/ urus. OB. F.RVA'rJONS. I I II" 'f • 1: It u; . Double nltitudoR of Timr ol chronom trr. A return". Douhle altitude" of Timr of chronometer. ArcturuH. Def.i· min. sf'c. h. 52 4l3 50 H 5~ I ~ 2!i 5~ 3 00 54 01 00 M 2·: 00 Mcau tim<'. ft. 1/Wl. .\ I C. 8 36 :3 "" n. ,')f'C. Del{. 111 in. 00 18.5 51 14 02 02.0 55 08 0:1 06.0 !J5 34 04 04 .1 55 ;)6 01 5~ . 4 5(i 2() I ndox error + l .r:). ~';('('. HE.' ULT OF CAJ .. CULA'l'ION. Hetard. h. 1uin . sec. t) 31 07.3 • ~'('r. 00 20 l.'l 30 30 h . mtn. H 05 06 07 08 10 Longitude. De~. 7/ttn . . we. 120 58 OJ .'lee. 52.6 54.0 58.6 56.0 10.5 ENCAMPMENT ON 'AN JOA~UIN RIVER. Detr.rrninrtl ion n.f lo Iii wle, .!Jp'ril 4, 18411- a// itudes of Polaris. Oil . f~HVA'I'ION - Double altitude~< ot PoJan1-. Tim of chronometer. JJcg. oun. St C. ;~, mtn. sec. 7'1. 53 20 7 2() 2R 72 51 10 27 48 72 51 50 :JQ 29 72 50 40 31 57 7 5 0{) 33 24 72 48 4 [.1 35 15 7t 4.7 10 36 52 72 4' 10 38 33 72 45 00 39 39 72 H ~0 4L 27 Jndrx error -= + 20 sec. ---- HESULT OF CALCULATION. True altitud<". Mean time. Latitude. Deg. min. sec. h. lltt71. .we. 36 23 22 H ()(I 27 ------ Deg. rmn. sec. 37 08 0() |